Tonight I am sitting on a deck looking out over the tiny fishing village of Guanaqueros, IV Region, Chile. I grew up here.
Bought some wine at the supermarket in La Serena a few days ago - by God Chile has excellent wine pricing!! Anyway, tonights tipple is a Ventisquero Carmenere, 2015. Not flash but very enjoyable. But I did something I have not done since my youth.
Am in a holiday house, which here typically has cough kitchen stuff, including glasses. I am no wine snob but I do like a good red wine glass. What is here I can only describe as "thimbles". As I was finishing the first bottle, I filled the glass, but there was a bit left, so I actually drank it from the bottle. God that brings back memories
So to all you wine lovers, when was the last time you drank from the bottle?
Uncouth, maybe, but extraordinarily pleasing.