Going by comments in this thread, "recent blow ins" are not universally welcomed unless they arrive by air, but thanks for your kind thoughts. And being an optimist I firmly believe that Australia is but one generation away from being the world's most advanced nation. Pity that we seemed destined to repeat the 1950's yet again.
Yes, yes, 1950s all over again, conservatives stuck in the past, yawn, yawn...
No, i think most Australian's, including those in this thread, have quite a bit of time for migrants... Australia has a long history of welcoming migrants and integrating them into society... And Australia, together with the english/irish heritage that laid the foundation for modern Australia, has benefit from this mix and has achieved it a lot more successfully than many countries around this world...
What i think most Australia's want is a sensible, safe, orderly immigration program, where we are in control of who, how and when people come to the country rather than criminal syndicates and people able to buy their way in and then regularly lose their life in the process... It would also help if when they get here they are relatively able to make a contribution within a reasonable period of time rather than being a continuous drain on scarce resources (because we're not going have bundles of money to throw around for the forseeable future thanks to Wayne), even better if we can at least for part of the intake target the skills and educational range we lack that will actually move the country forward...
Me personally, i also think you don't reward a country that opens up its doors to you by taking advantage of it or committing crimes, so just my personal view is that in a probationary period you commit a crime over a certain level and are convicted of it and your straight back to where ever you came from... But that's just an old fashion notion i have about not biting the hand that feeds you and showing appreciation to those that accept you in... Consequently when someone comes here and enjoys this great land of ours and then dumps on the people who built it and starts coughping on about how the place may not be worthy of them, you know i tend to feel like suggesting the door is just over there and don't let it hit you in the backside on the way out...
Surely you mean you are a "Honest John Battler" - voting conservative because that's what them smart, rich people do. My MIL is one of you'se - listens to Alan Jones every day and hates the "Ranga". It makes family gatherings so awkward I try to pretend I watch Celebrity Splash to avoid the Abbott in the room.
No, i don't feel a need to self identify with John or Julia or Kev or any other pollie for that matter??? I was battling before John came along, I'm sure i will be battling in the future....

I'm also not that insecure that i feel a need to self identify with any particualr socio-economic strata in Australia, whatever intelligence i have will remain intact which ever pay grade i am at or lifestyle i choose to lead...
And i know its received wisdom in leftie circles that all conservatives are at home feverishly trying to tune in Alan each night to receive our daily guidance on what to think, a trite little stereotype to fit us all in, but over here on the west coast i'm not sure we get Alan on the radio??? If we do I don't know where to tune the dial in as i never listen to the guy, i suppose its just an east coast centric view of the world that your babblers set the tone for all of Australia... I'm sure we may have some west coast talk back hosts as well, Howard Sattler i suppose is similarly demonised in leftie circles?? Dunno, i don't listen to him either, i don't really feel the need to be spoon fed my views by any individual as i form them myself from a diverse range of sources and life experiences... Sorry to hear about the divide in your family, just grin and bare it for a bit longer... A large majority of the rest of Australia is also taking this approach....

And have pity on all those that aren't capable of coming to the only correct view of the world, yours of course...