I think the really interesting thing is that whichever major party changes leader first (before the election) then they could romp in.
I can't see the Lib's getting rid of Abbot with the polls as they are, they're just keeping him off Tv so he can't make any headline grabbing mistakes.
As for Krudd I don't think he wants the hospital pass I think he wants to see Gillard totally humiliated and then come back as the savior. I know people will say he wants the best for ALP but I think he feels wronged and wants revenge. He's not really playing for the team at the moment
Of course he is playing for the team.Did you not see what happened in Parliament on Valentines Day?
Warren Entsch gave all Coalition members a chocolate rose.Several sent theirs to Kevin.One Liberal woman actually took hers over and handed it to Kevin herself.
See he is appreciated in the House.