I have to agree with the OP on this thread regarding the use of facilities in J, by Y passengers regardless of status.
I'm currently PS hitting SG for the first time in November and a FF with QF for close on 20 years. I've flown F domestically a few times over the years ( at my own expense ) and with work I travel Y and have just last week returned from a holiday RT to the USA (1st time flying QJ internationally) on a classic award and returning LA via Hawaii on HA in F. I know this thread is aimed at domestic flights but I believe the same should be determined for international as well.
I chose this time to fly J/F for the very reasons flying in a higher class are afforded the passenger - Dedicated check in, exclusive business lounge, dedicated boarding lane, business cabin that's all about comfort and flexibility, decide when you like to dine and
use of the amenities that are provided. My lowly PS status did not come into play at all on these flights nor should they, I was treated like all other passengers in J and even more-so as I travel with a CPap machine and was quite blown away at the lengths the crew went to to make me comfortable. I may have used points to get the first flight but I earned those points, paid the taxes and surcharge and utilised those points for the sake of comfort and luxury not normally afforded to me.
Did I enjoy it? DAMN RIGHT I DID

However, Mrs Tyro is now a snob after experiencing the joys of F/J and has asserted that she will never again fly anything less:-| (I've created a monster here

But I digress.....on both flights I did notice the misuse of the F/J lavatories by Y passengers and up until this point, I didn't even have an opinion on this issue. I'd done numerous international flights in Y over the years on a variety of carriers and never even entertained the thought to head to the front for a slash (albeit I was single and could drink like a fish back then). To me that was the domain of the rich/famous/well-to-do.
And agreed with some past comments regarding circumstances where lav use by Y pax is understandable in some situations, I did noticed one Y woman utilise the J lav on a number of occasions and only realising she was Y after about the 4th use of the lav when I stood after she passed my seat and watched her head back through the curtain. I felt affronted, even violated as a J pax, to have this "commoner" invade our space and use our J facilities:shock: ( well, maybe not so affronted & violated as perturbed that this sort of misuse was allowed to occur

). But it did make me think, I've spent good money/points to have the privileged use of these facilities, yet those that chose not to spend are allowed to use the same? There's something wrong with this picture!
And so to wrap up, as I step down from my soap box, and without intentionally antagonising or offending the WP's on this site and after experiencing both sides of the fence,......my belief is that when you fly in Y.....that's your domain for the flight, your status stops at the cabin door. You get priority check-in/boarding, lounge access etc pre-flight as you should.
As a Y passenger you don't get to sit up front in a wider seat with more legroom, you don't get a pre-flight drink or a nicer dining option along with the more attentive service! So why would you expect to use the amenities available in this part of the plane that are made available to those that have paid for the privilege?
As for me, I'm back to the rear of the plane for all my toiletries until I either win lotto or get a 2nd job to pay for the next big OS holiday