But has travel ever been risk free?
Certainly when I have travelled to the USA in spring, March/April ,I am aware that we are very much at risk from influenza as our vaccinations were 10,11 months previously and almost certainly no longer effective.As well there probably has been a new strain and so we are certainly at risk.
And we travelled around Asia at the height of the SARs pandemic in 2003.
The number of Australians who die overseas each year is well over 1000.In 2016.17 the number was 1653.
Australians are avid travellers — nearly 9 million take overseas trips each year — but the latest figures from the Department of Foreign Affairs show an increasing number never make it home.
A third of those who died OS was in just 4 countries in SE Asia-Thailand,Phillipines,Indonesia and Vietnam.
EVERYONE knows that certain travel destinations can be riskier than others, but there is one particular overseas spot where Australians are dying at an alarming rate.
For a more extensive breakdown.
So the difference is that people were basically unaware of the risks they take travelling.Sadly there will still be many unaware of the risks.
Possibly in 4-5 years travel I am sure will be back to pre covid levels as with the effort and number under consideration a vaccine is more likely than not and effective treatment at least by monoclonal abs is quite likely.
Add to that the world has had 2 previous novel corona virus pandemics both of which naturally died out.