I will follow guidance/rules when it applies fairly, and evenly to all with very limited exceptions. Life and death considerations. As soon as the rules are bent for high profile people or to score something etc etc, then clearly the rules to me are meaningless.
I will use SA as an example. The state border issue and even the International one. Anyone who has travelled from Victoria, in areas of very low covid outbreak, even just in transit at the airport, is currently barred from entering SA, even if they were prepared to self isolate, or even if they were prepared to pay for it in a quarantine hotel. And this includes South Australian residents. I do not want to live in a state or a country that bans its own residents from returning home, even when they are prepared to abide by all the rules. This last month, in trying to win the AFL GF, the SA Govt stated that the head boffins (and they refused to give a number) would be allowed into SA and they would not be required to isolate. Yet we have country border people who may live in Victoria, just a couple of kilometres on the other side, whose schools, employment and even medical services are in SA. Even refuelling - petrol station located just a couple of k's into SA and the nearest Vic one was over 150 k's away. Absolute bollocks policy. Yet we are currently preparing to bring in a group of about 200 international students who of course will isolate, but other than study here, they have no claim to be in Australia. Of course we need them, but only when we start acting evenly and fairly to our own SA residents, and other Australians.
Victorians have been refused permission to visit family members or attend funerals in SA. Or they were granted permission, after the member had died, still had to isolate and so were not allowed to attend the funeral unless it was held 14 days after their arrival. Meaning a delay of three weeks after death. In another case the daughter was given consent as per above, but her husband was refused. Yet when Covid was running havoc in the UK, a woman was allowed to come to Australia to look after her father, and she did test positive on arrival at the airport.
But its OK for AFL boffins to come in unchecked.