Qantas. Important point. We know 85% of NSW and ACT will be fully vaccinated +2 weeks reached by 1 December, trending to 90% plus.
There is NO reason not to stop outbound Aussies leaving now, as long as they promise not return till after the new year. If they can prove they are 1) Fully vaccinated, 2) Have proof of plenty of savings, incase things gum up, and accept the risk and potential cost of inbound quarantine (maybe they just cant set foot outside their LGA for 14 days) . 3) The country they are going to will accept them. 4) They have their own home/nonshared accom when they return.
You could be selling pointy end seats now, if your lobbying people got to work. Oh, you live in St Ives, Double Bay, Ku-ring-gai - good to go!
The flaw in my logic, is this would infuriate the well-heeled in WA and QLD, and diddums, it would be so unfair...
To upsell this idea, tell them a Qantas travel concierge will privately screen early travelers against conditions, and guarantee them a free standby flight home if needed. This way Scomo and family can resume their Hawaiian break.