Qantas Business Class meals & menus

Of course a special meal is still a workaround of sorts (and not giaranteed) to the problem for some pax.

I think the issue for the OP is that they are very picky, there are so many options on that menu and to not like any …. a special meal is the best approach (bland/diabetic/kosher).

Few airlines offer the ability to request:
- no asian flavours
- no fish
- no eggplant lasagne
- no pork
- no pizza
- no chicken in indian flavours

I agree that QF should just switch Menu Select back on to avoid this hassle.
Agree having the menu available to view / select would definitely help pax decide. EK is the best as noted, SQ with BTC too, then a varying degree of ability to view or select meals (eg I am flying UA J soon and they do a pre-order 5 days prior).

That QF had the functionality.and removed it is baffling. I suppose they had logistics issues or whatever, but situations like the above would definitely be avoided, or at least mittigated, by having the options available prior to.flight and one can plan a bit.
There was chicken biriyani, unless you believe chicken isn't a real meat. (Or you mean you want a piece or joint of meat)

Couldn't read that part of the menu on my phone. A good biriyani as a main would be excellent, but it wasn't on offer as a main.

I'm not a fussy eater in the great scheme of things, but it just manages to touch on the 2 things I hate - squidgy textures (tofu, eggplant, excess pork fat), and seafood. Probably why I've never been a fan of much SEA cuisine.

Can't speak for the OP but I hate that menu, but would have happily eaten many other things (including the Biriyani or a good curry from many other influences, if they'd offered it as the main).

I'd have selected the Pork Belly and avoided the worst of the fat, IF they had any of it left by the time they reached me at the wrong end of their service priority list.

I just received an email today from QFF stating: "...or enjoy dishes inspired by your destination when you fly Business on selected international flights". There's not much on this menu that has been inspired by the destination ( UK ), but then it has been "curated" by you know who.
Perhaps the descriptions a bit hard to understand.

Which is what I've brought up before. Pretentious flowery descriptions from 'Neil' which obscure what it is you are actually ordering. Even like Kung Pao chicken. Many here obviously know what it is but I had no idea when I faced it and asked the FA if it had chilis. They couldn't tell me; couldn't describe what it was. 🤷‍♂️

Side thought. I guess when I hear "Asia" I think if course SEA, but also the north eg Japan, China, Korea etc.

And, strictly, central Asia of the 'Stans. :) Basically everywhere east of the Bosporus.
I am hosting lunch for 10 on Sunday and 4 are not easy to please🤦‍ ( ie 60% are) and such may be the dilemma with airlines.
You can't please all the people all the time, but can aim to appeal to most.

Out of curiosity @WeeGraeme what would you have suggested as appropriate meal choices for your flights?
I am hosting lunch for 10 on Sunday and 4 are not easy to please🤦‍ ( ie 60% are) and such may be the dilemma with airlines.
You can't please all the people all the time, but can aim to appeal to most.

Out of curiosity @WeeGraeme what would you have suggested as appropriate meal choices for your flights?
I think Qantas *usually* does ok! One vegetarian, one steak, one fish, and one chicken. Either one or both of the latter may reflect cuisine at point of origin, or destination.

Personally there wasn’t much on the OP’s particular menu that appealed to me, but then I would have gone for the vegetarian.
Pretentious flowery descriptions from 'Neil' which obscure what it is you are actually ordering. Even like Kung Pao chicken. Many here obviously know what it is but I had no idea when I faced it and asked the FA if it had chilis. They couldn't tell me; couldn't describe what it was. 🤷‍♂️

I had a quick look at menus from my recent flights on other airlines - attached below - and agree most are more descriptive than QF and don't assume familiarity with cuisines.

Although in Neil's defence (yes really...) SQ also had 'Kung Pao chicken' on the menu without an explanation.







I think Qantas *usually* does ok! One vegetarian, one steak, one fish, and one chicken, but then I would have gone for the vegetarian.
Agree that QF and most airlines offer reasonable choices.
As we all know, Beef Tenderloin sounds appetising but often in the air, it is disappointing.

I would have gone the pork belly @MEL_Traveller
but I digress :)
I too would be extremely disappointed with that menu if I did not eat Asian based food.

That menu is not @sudoer's "Three Entree's and Three Mains"

When I read "plant based dining" the remainder of the description becomes nul. (When Moussaka was mentioned, I had to read and re read carefully to find it.)

The pizza is a small mid night 'snack'; it is not part of the menu.

I can understand fully @WeeGraeme's disappointment.
When I read "plant based dining" the remainder of the description becomes nul. (When Moussaka was mentioned, I had to read and re read carefully to find it.)
No offense, but that's a you problem.

I mean, I don't mind. That there are people who immediately nope-out after reading "plants" and thinking "ewww, vegetables" means that it is less likely that I won't be able to choose that offering. But it doesn't make the argument any more valid.
I never get the point. Why do vegans crave fake food that looks and tastes like meat?
This is going way OT but a vegan friend told me once that a) they remembered the taste if meat and liked and b) it can be an easier way to introduce carnivores to vego food if it seemingly looks like and hopefully tastes like meat. Things like impossible burgers firmly in this category.

My friend also blatently said "Hey OlI loved the taste if meat, I just don't want animals to die for it, so if I can have that as plant based then it's a win!"

I too think the fake meat stuff is a bit weird, but put the way they did, I can understand that.

Back to QF J means. I admit I see plant based and tend to look further down too, but I've often had the soups or some other things if they appeal more. It may not be the top of my list, but it's not an automatic "nope" (same with Spuce Bar too)
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