This all very interesting.......really!
I personally think there should be varying degrees of dress codes, to suit varying degrees of quality. If you're at a cheapie eatery with newspaper on the floor of the kitchen (don't laugh, I've been to an excellent Thai like that) then don't whinge when your fellow diners turn up with singlets, shorts and thongs. If you're paying top dollar for silver service, also don't be annoyed at your fellow diners for wearing shorts and bloody annoyed at the management for discounting THEIR standards for a bit of quick profit.
Trouble with the Q lounges is simply they allow such standards, so why be surprised when thongs appear in the FLounge. If you complain loud and frequently to management, maybe they'll agree with you...........or maybe they won't, and take the slobs cash and put up with the presence.
I'm an in-between. Sometimes I like to go to a nice restaurant, done up to the nines and be generally ripped off with prices, but ripped off in a classy atmosphere, other times I'm perfectly at home in slobsville!
Just to expand on the Thai mentioned above, we couldn't understand why they were taking so long with the drinks.....until we realised they had to wait for some diners to leave, so they could quickly collect the glasses, wash them and then serve us! :shock:
The food was absolutely excellent though and dirt cheap (the dirt must've been off the kitchen floor
