Take a helluva lot of convincing.......
I'm not sure about Mr.Porter as a role model for style
They have thongs displayed in their
footware section, but at GBP 46, all I can imagine is they must have a large number of clients who are actively smoking something highly illegal to part with that kind a cash for something you can get for AUD 5

(the old adages about telling someone it's worth a lot of money and they believing it and a fool and his money.......etc, etc, rings somewhat true there).
To make matters worse, under their "
style advice" tab, they suggest Loafers for restaurant visits :shock: (along with a Panama hat). A quick bo-peep at their shoe page (just to make sure I'm not confusing footware styles) sees a pair of loafers, which as I suspected, is the very shoe we used to refer to in the RAAF days as "brothel creepers".
Very sound advice, indeed!
EDIT: Apologies to Sprucegoose.......There was a Mr Porter advert in his post. I mistakenly thought he had linked to it.