Qantas Delays/Cancellations

QF121 on Friday 15 January, the 0930 hours SYD to ZQN, was instead diverted to ZQN. It arrived at the latter at 1502 NZ time this afternoon. Poor visibility at ZQN?

QF7, the A380-operated long flight from SYD to DFW on Friday 15 January is delayed in its departure from 1505 this afternoon to 2100 hours tonight. Arrival is forecast (same day) at 1910 instead of 1335 hours, doubtless meaning many missed connections for those continuing on to places such as New York or Miami. QF8 is timetabled to depart DFW at 2010 so it will be at least 40 minutes late away on Friday evening.

Due to its late arrival ex LAX (and earlier in LAX ex JFK), the Friday 15 QF15 from BNE to LAX (B744 not A380) departed BNE an hour and 46 minutes late at 1246 today with arrival indicated as 0700, picking up 46 minutes of the deficit and an even hour late if it comes to pass.

Although the 1125 SYD to HKG on Friday 15 was predicted the night before to be 80 minutes late departing, it turned out to be 127 minutes late (1332 hours) with HKG arrival likely at 1928, an hour and 43 minutes behind. QF suggests that QF130 ex HKG tonight will depart at 2130 hours instead of the timetabled 1945. Arrival in SYD on Saturday 16 will be 0935 rather than 0810.

The MEL to HKG QF29 today fared just as badly with its 1125 scheduled pushback delayed by 124 minutes until 1329 this afternoon. Its arrival should be at 1945, an hour and 50 minutes late. QF30 tonight should depart HKG at 2105 hours rather than 1930, so Saturday 15 January MEL arrival is estimated at 0925 instead of 0800.

QF81 from SYD to SIN departed 50 minutes behind at 1205 and should be in the Lion City at 1710 rather than the usual 1630 hours.

The B744-run QF27 departed SYD at 1359, 69 minutes late but SCL arrival should be only 20 minutes late at 1140.

QF149 from SYD to AKL tonight, the 1835 hours departure is delayed until an expected 2220. The time difference does not help, as arrival will now be at a 'shocking' hour of 0310 on Saturday 15 rather than 2345. This means getting to bed at 0500 or later NZ time for tired travellers.
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On Saturday 16 January, the SYD - CBR QF1471 that is timetabled to depart at 0955 hours has been delayed by 75 minutes to 1110.

QF64 departed SYD at 1244, 69 minutes late but is forecast to arrive JNB only 29 minutes late at 1704. The 1250 hours ex SYD for the long haul to SCL, QF27, was amended to depart at a projected time of 1345 but is leaving later than this. QF28 on Saturday will therefore depart SCL late as it is timetabled out at 1335.

QF97 from BNE to HKG departed 131 minutes late at 1301 this afternoon with arrival suggested as exactly two hours late at 1950 hours. The return QF98 this evening is forecast to depart HKG at 2120, two hours and five minutes late (perhaps the five minutes extra is due to lack of an available slot) with BNE Sunday 17 arrival at 0815, still two hours and five minutes behind time.
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Although the 1125 SYD to HKG on Friday 15 was predicted the night before to be 80 minutes late departing, it turned out to be 127 minutes late (1332 hours) with HKG arrival likely at 1928, an hour and 43 minutes behind. QF suggests that QF130 ex HKG tonight will depart at 2130 hours instead of the timetabled 1945. Arrival in SYD on Saturday 16 will be 0935 rather than 0810.

QF127 eventually landed at 20:00. QF128 (Not QF130, that is PVG-SYD) finally departed at 21:55 and landed at 10:36. PVG and HKG were both a bit painful on the 15/1/16. :( ......having said that I would never have made QF128 if it had departed at its scheduled time.
Was delayed on QF12 from JFK to LAX by 2 hours. Delayed again LAX to Syd re routed to brisbane for fuellinh on QF12. Will probally miss connecting Syd - Per :( gg 28 hour flight now 30+ easy..

Flight terminated brisbane alternatives to be arranged due to issue with engine pump.
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TonyHancock, apologies for quoting the incorrect flight number.

christanil, so far QF suggests that QF11 from SYD to LAX, QF127 from SYD to HKG, QF7 from SYD to DFW and QF1 from SYD to DXB and LHR will be departing on time on Sunday 17 January, so presumably that means that QF12 that arrived in BNE this morning at 0712 (A388 VH-OQF) has to run empty down to SYD at some stage today. However the crew would be highly likely to run out of hours if I am not mistaken, so that is a complicating factor.

QF1463, the 0730 hours SYD to CBR was cancelled. QF2281, the 0905 Qantaslink to LST is expected to depart 85 minutes late at 1030 which will not be helpful to its punctuality for the rest of Sunday.

QF2267 from ADL to PLO has been delayed from its normal 0755 hours departure to an anticipated 1030.
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Flyerqf, many thanks. This is because QF10 ex LHR on Saturday 16 January departed at 1755 hours rather than the scheduled 1200. Arrival in DXB today (Sunday) should now be at 0450 with departure at an optimistically set 0605: not impossible based on previous performance, but pretty fast for this intermediate stop. MEL arrival is expected to be 0210 hours on Monday 18 January, four hours and 50 minutes late compared with the usual nightly 2120 hours when the plane should be 'on blocks.'

The QF website suggests departure at 0445 (a shocking time, irrespective as to what class one is booked) on Monday 18 January of the delayed QF9 for a DXB arrival five hours and 10 minutes behind at 1140. The DXB departure and LHR arrival times have strangely not been updated but a 1310 departure would see LHR arrival at around 1700 given that the schedule is slower than it was prior to the late October change so there may be an opportunity to make up a bit of time. At this stage, the Monday evening QF2 back to DXB and on to SYD should be - fingers crossed - on time.
. However the crew would be highly likely to run out of hours if I am not mistaken, so that is a complicating factor.

Not compliacted at all. Since it was a known diversion for a fuel pump issue, they would have immediately called out two pilots to passenger up to BNE in preparation to bring it back down as soon as it is fixed.
milehighclub, thank you. Perhaps we are using 'complicated' in slightly different senses.

In the last little while QF7 has been amended to depart SYD this evening at 1830 instead of its scheduled 1505 with same day arrival predicted as 1700 hours in lieu of the usual 1505 mid afternoon DFW arrival. This may be related to the delay that QF12 has incurred in BNE. It still had not departed a few minutes ago on its 'ferry flight' which begs the question: if it was so 'uncomplicated' and QF knew about the fuel pump issue hours in advance, why weren't the pilots on the first of the morning at 0605 ex SYD to BNE (which this morning was at the BNE arrival gate at 0621 AEST) ready for an A388 QF12 departure at say 0910 down to SYD?

Unusually, QF61 this morning - normally very punctual - departed BNE 32 minutes late at 1017 but is expected to be 20 minutes behind at its destination NRT this evening.
Interestingly, milehighclub, it appears to have been scheduled (due to the diversion) as an 0910 hours takeoff from BNE: at least that is what FlightAware - Flight Tracker / Flight Status / Flight Tracking suggests. If it is forming the amended time QF7 ex SYD at 1830, it probably needs to depart from BNE by 1430 AEST (1530 AEDT) at the latest so that it can be prepared for its TransPacific flight. Let's hope for the sake of delayed passengers (and those returning ex DFW on Sunday 17's QF8) that the QF60XX flight can occur prior to or at that rough time that I have suggested.

As yet, Flight Aware has not altered its proposed takeoff time (which was almost three hours ago) from BNE for the ferry flight so presumably repairs remain underway. Is there a technical reason why given that not all fuel pumps were defective (there are 21 if I recall) that repairs could not occur in SYD after the A388 partly refuelled in BNE and found its way down to Kingsford Smith?
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Qantas has shown the BNE-SYD leg cancelled from the moment it diverted as it was probably never going to operate that sector.

There is a QF6007 departing for SYD at 1400. I imagine this is the ferry flight.
Qantas sent me three SMS's and called me to ensure I was aware that QF128 would be delayed and had a new scheduled departure time. I was moved to a later connecting flight from SYD and onboard the customer service supervisor approached me prior to take off to confirm I was up to speed on my connecting flight. I have to say this is the first time I have seen such a proactive approach when a flight has been delayed. (It is usually the other way round for me as I keep an eye on flights myself and call up if I see something is going awry.
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TonyHancock, did you mean 'three SMSs' or 'their SMS(s)?'

QF6007 (A388 VH-OQF) remains in BNE at 1515 AEST (1615 hours AEST.) The QF website has now again put back the estimated departure time of QF7 to 1945 hours tonight with a projected DFW arrival on the same day (Sunday 17 January) of 1800 hours, four hours and 25 minutes late. For the minority of passengers who are in one of the lounges, that means the chance to have an earlyish dinner at ground level and then repeat it in the air.

As the Sunday evening QF8 is timetabled to depart from DFW at 2000 hours, QF7 had better not be too much later than 1945 out of Sydney otherwise it will also delay a likely 450 passengers (given it is Australian school holidays) plus on QF8.
QF6007 (A388 VH-OQF) remains in BNE at 1515 AEST (1615 hours AEST.) The QF website has now again put back the estimated departure time of QF7 to 1945 hours tonight with a projected DFW arrival on the same day (Sunday 17 January) of 1800 hours, four hours and 25 minutes late. For the minority of passengers who are in one of the lounges, that means the chance to have an earlyish dinner at ground level and then repeat it in the air.

As the Sunday evening QF8 is timetabled to depart from DFW at 2000 hours, QF7 had better not be too much later than 1945 out of Sydney otherwise it will also delay a likely 450 passengers (given it is Australian school holidays) plus on QF8.

Just watched it take off now.
QF692 (B738 VH-VXC), the 1600 hours ADL - MEL on Sunday 17 January departed at 1722 and should arrive at 1915, 90 minutes late.
Is there a technical reason why given that not all fuel pumps were defective (there are 21 if I recall) that repairs could not occur in SYD after the A388 partly refuelled in BNE and found its way down to Kingsford Smith?

Honestly, you should stay away from tech...
The delayed QF7 departed from SYD at 2001 on Sunday 17 January and is due at DFW at 1810 hours, four hours and 35 minutes late. Fingers crossed but that should be sufficient time to do a fairly speedy turnaround for the good folk on board the Sunday QF8.

I had thought that this flight was normally pretty punctual but FlightStats only gives it an overall rating (covering punctuality and the extent of delays when they occur) of 2.3 out of five. Eight of the last 55 flights have been 'very late' or 'excessively late' in this website's terminology.

As no other airline offers a SYD - DFW nonstop flight, there is nothing to compare it to.

QF2018 from SYD to WTB, the timetabled 1725 hours departure did not leave until 1813 with arrival at 1846, 41 minutes late.

QF2289 from MEL to LST, the 1910 hours departed at 2056.

The 1900 hours arrival from WLG into MEL, QF172 on Sunday 17 is delayed overnight, arriving at 0950 on Monday 18. QF163, the 1755 hours Sunday flight from SYD to WLG is delayed until 0745 in departing on Monday. There has been fog with the Wellington Airport's website advising that 'most flights have been cancelled.' MEL had localised fog one morning in December 2015, so while 'fog in January' and 'Wellington' may not appear together in the minds of occasional visitors, it apparently can occur.
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The delayed QF9 (A388 VH-OQE) departed MEL this morning (Monday 18 January) at 0448, about as predicted. It is sugegsted as arriving DXB at 1136, five hours and six minutes late, with departure at 1310 for a 1730 hours arrival in LHR, four hours and 35 minutes late. If that hold true it should not (all being well) lead to a late departure for Monday evening's 2035 hours QF2 back to DXB and SYD.

The 1000 SYD to AKL is forecast to depart an hour late.

Due to the WLG fog last night (Sunday), QF163 from BNE to the 'Windy City' is expected to depart at 0700 AEST instead of 1805 on Sunday evening.

On Monday 18, QF2264 from SYD to PQQ departed 3 minutes late at 1003 and should arrive 82 minutes behind at 1052.

The low profile SYD to New Caledonia (NOU) route is often very punctual but that is not the case today with QF91 departing at 0928, 43 minutes late for a forecast 1220 arrival, still 40 minutes down.

QF81 from SYD to SIn departed 39 minutes late at 1154 and should be in the Lion City at 1710, 40 minutes late. QF19 from SYD to MNL was 52 minutes late departing this afternoon at 1317 and at this stage is expected to arrive half an hour behind at 1800 tonight.

QF41, the 1400 from SYD to CGK was altered to depart at 1545 but the latter time as I write this update has been and gone. It was suggested as arriving 76 minutes late at 1851 this evening but that is likely to be later. This will delay the returning QF42 'redeye.'

The Sunday 17 january QF28 from SCL across the Pacific to SYD departed at 1628, seven minutes shy of three hours late so it should arrive this evening at 2020 hours, two hours and 35 minutes late.It looks like (judging by the allocated gate numbers) that QF28's B744 may be overnighting in SYD. There is not any indication of a delay to the HND-bound late evening QF25. AFF member FlyerQF (usually with his finger on the pulse) may be kind enough to confirm this.
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Changed gate numbers show that the delayed QF28 SYD arrival on Monday 18 January (which pulled up at the gate at 2019) is now proceeding to HND as QF25, which has been delayed departing until 2155 tonight, an expected minor delay of 25 minutes. This northbound flight latterly appears to have a fair bit of excess time in the schedule so it is unlikely to be late into HND on the morning of Tuesday 19.

Due to repercussions of the Sunday fog affecting WLG airport, QF171, the 1030 MEL to WLG did not take off until 1755 this afternoon (Monday 18 January.) This is one delay about which QF could do little or nothing to ameliorate.

UPDATE: QF25 departed at 2307 so it must have had a curfew dispensation. It should arrive HND at 0605, 35 minutes late on Tuesday 19 January.
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Due to the late departure of QF41 on Monday, QF42 will arrive SYD at 0741 on Tuesday 19 January, 91 minutes late.

QF153 has been delayed from 0730 to an expected 0900 hours in its MEL departure for AKL.

QF2400, the 0540 early morning flight from BNE to EMD is forecast to instead depart at 0645.

QF2170 is delayed from 1150 to 1225 in its departure from SYD for the more northern climes of PQQ.

A388 operated QF93 from MEL to LAX is expected to depart at 1150, half an hour late. This does not necessarily mean that it will be late at its destination across the Pacific.
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