On Tuesday 27 June 2023, QF35, the 1200 'high noon' MEL-SIN is delayed by 180 minutes to depart right on mid afternoon at 1500 hours.
Because QF69 was tardy yesterday, QF70, the Monday 26 scheduled 1935 hours DEL-MEL that was in the sky mid evening at 2114 hours should arrive (with A332 VH-EBR) at around 1329 hours, 59 late early this afternoon.
B789 VH-ZNM on the very late QF4 from JFK arrived this morning in AKL at 0734 hours, 154 minutes late. This was a 10 minute improvement on the '164 minutes late' predicted in my post 15,140. Every minute counts. While it mayu pop up[ on the FR24 at any minute, by 0931 hours AKL time (0731 AEST), it didn't appear to have pushed back for the final sector to Sydney Town.
VH-ZNC on 'the 9' should arrive LHR today at 0542 hours, 37 minutes late.
ZNF on last night's QF10 arrival that (as noted above) formed QF93 (2025 hours MEL-LAX) was airborne at 2319, so arrival in Movie City should be at about 1927 hours, 102 minutes late on the same day.
Following its late departure from SYD last night, A333 VH-QPG on QF103 (the redeye) arrived HNL on Monday 26 June at 1132 hours, 67 minutes late, just a few minutes ago. There's no hope of the 1200 hours 'high noon' HNL to SYD arriving anything close to on time tonight in Sydney, so situation normal for this perennial late runner.
UPDATE: By 0740 AEST, QF4 became visible on the FR24 map in AKL, almost always a good sign.