You can definitely earn new leafs when your membership ticks over on subsequent years.
The challenge is that the Qantas app/website doesn’t often reflect this as the “Congrats you’ve earned green tier for the year” takes preference over the progress indicator.
Once you get at least one leaf for the new membership year, the progress bar should reappear.
You need to just start doing the activities again, without the easy to find prompts for each one:
* Carbon offset during booking
* Search the rewards store for the eco-positive delivery, giveback offers and offset home/car - they’re all there in the store
* Book an eco stay on Qantas Hotels by searching for them.
* etc.
The one you will have a bigger challenge with is the quiz. Qantas Well-being have indicated to multiple people (including myself) who enquire there is a bug with their system which prevents the quiz from showing up on subsequent years.
They are apparently working on a fix, but if you reach 4/5 stars in the meantime you can message them in the well-being app and they will apply the leaf.