In the past yes SST have pushed to Prem Res, but during recent irrops the agent changed bookings and stuff for me on the fly. With the "special" P1 discount it may be something only they can handle, or at least pass through to Res with appropriate hand holding to manage (I don't know, have not tried, but would be worth asking for those that may want to use vouchers, multi city etc)
And Itoo am looking to other airlinds for product and service. I've flown SQ F earlier this year (new suites) and just.. outstanding on every level (as one would expect) have MH and TG F coming up, and am looking at QR J or F for next year. QF's new J on the 787 and refurb A380 (yeah whenever they come on line lol) offer a reasonable product in the J space, but others do J just as well if not better (eg: QR QSuites, SQ etc) that QF can lose out on soft product.
I don't hate QF at all, but like others here do understand and appreciate that for the real long haul stuff there's better to be had and like some I'm lucky enough to have the ability to try some of these.
and bringing it back to P1.. while it's nice, as everyone agrees, it's not something to aim for or a truly rewarding level bar support during IRROPS.. but at this level there are again better out there such as BA GGL.
for oz domestic and shorter haul, QF still works for me, but gee so many areas they could improve