Qantas Platinum One experiences?

I've had five of a possible 19 op-ups in the past year.
Two of those were obviously oversold situations, one a service recovery and the other two, I guess, were the gift of P1.
Overall I'm happy with those stats.
But, more importantly, for me at least, I've had 25/25 successful points upgrade requests in the same period.
I really don't mind the 'upgrade lottery' with those odds.
I've had five of a possible 19 op-ups in the past year.
Two of those were obviously oversold situations, one a service recovery and the other two, I guess, were the gift of P1.
Overall I'm happy with those stats.
But, more importantly, for me at least, I've had 25/25 successful points upgrade requests in the same period.
I really don't mind the 'upgrade lottery' with those odds.

That's a pretty impressive stat HappyTrails
The special P1 Y to J upgrades do happen internationally. I last had one AKL-MEL on a very lightly loaded flight. Always a nice surprise...

Oh Ok.. I haven't experienced (now I know, that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen)

Anyways this is my third year as WP1, and one thing consistent about QF is that the service levels are very inconsistent.
In my apporx 80 sectors per year with them, I am overwhelmed about 3-4 times and underwhelmed about same number of times, in a year.
I have often missed out on a shadow on a not-so-full flight, where other WP seems to have had their shadows. And at times missed out on CSM/CSS greeting as well.
But then there are times when the CSMs have gone out of their way to make my flight comfortable.
It is good to know that the SST is there to help when needed. I don’t use them often and on a rare few occasions where I did need assistance, it has been 60-65% of times where they have been able to help.
Though I must say that in the past 4-5 months I have had a few bad experiences and only one occasion where the service was above average. Maybe my expectations with QF have gone up!
I am not there yet, but started to feel that if things don’t improve for me, I might need to re-assess my travel spend.
one thing consistent about QF is that the service levels are very inconsistent.
In my apporx 80 sectors per year with them, I am overwhelmed about 3-4 times and underwhelmed about same number of times, in a year.

If that leaves you whelmed 72-76 times per year, then I'd say they're doing a pretty consistent job.
If that leaves you whelmed 72-76 times per year, then I'd say they're doing a pretty consistent job.

well no. These are times when it has made me think about it. Small minor issues and experiences (both positive and negative), are not included.

I have always made it a point to write a quick email to SST when I have been overwhelmed as I believe positive feedback as is important as criticism.
I thought I would renew P1 again this year, but I miss calculated some SC's (The Fairer system biting me in the bum) so I will be about 200 SC's short at the end of June 30. I only realised this yesterday morning and am quite unhappy with myself for the boo boo.

The issue ultimately (for me) is I dont see the benefit in trying to do a SC run to get over the line... this weekend is my only option as I am off to Europe mid month and am in Perth next weekend anyway.. but also feel a little cheated that I am so close to renewal but will miss out.

To be clear I dont expect any pass etc, we know if your short by 10 SC's you wont make P1 and I dont have any issues with that, just more a general vent as family/nonFF's dont understand !!!
I thought I would renew P1 again this year, but I miss calculated some SC's (The Fairer system biting me in the bum) so I will be about 200 SC's short at the end of June 30. I only realised this yesterday morning and am quite unhappy with myself for the boo boo.

The issue ultimately (for me) is I dont see the benefit in trying to do a SC run to get over the line... this weekend is my only option as I am off to Europe mid month and am in Perth next weekend anyway.. but also feel a little cheated that I am so close to renewal but will miss out.

To be clear I dont expect any pass etc, we know if your short by 10 SC's you wont make P1 and I dont have any issues with that, just more a general vent as family/nonFF's dont understand !!!

That sucks :( maybe next year you'll rejoin the ranks.
I thought I would renew P1 again this year, but I miss calculated some SC's (The Fairer system biting me in the bum) so I will be about 200 SC's short at the end of June 30. I only realised this yesterday morning and am quite unhappy with myself for the boo boo.

The issue ultimately (for me) is I dont see the benefit in trying to do a SC run to get over the line... this weekend is my only option as I am off to Europe mid month and am in Perth next weekend anyway.. but also feel a little cheated that I am so close to renewal but will miss out.

To be clear I dont expect any pass etc, we know if your short by 10 SC's you wont make P1 and I dont have any issues with that, just more a general vent as family/nonFF's dont understand !!!

You won't get a comp P1 year, and I'm fairly anti P1 for my own reasons but I think 200 SC is very worthwhile in your case - purely because it's essentially an extra year of Emerald (as opposed to 1200 SC) when you eventually drop down (and everyone does eventually).

Also remember every P1 has a 2 year soft landing at Platinum level. So once you drop to Platinum...every SC you earn is 100% USELESS unless you plan to hit P1 again in your first year of soft landing.
Having thought I'd not do it, I'll actually retain P1 for a 3rd year with some flights in a few weeks.

I tend to agree with the inconsistent nature of QF, but you have that with many airlines (eve EK has its disappointments). However I find probably 80-85% of my travels - dom and int - have been pretty much as I expected. Most importantly on time, reasonable service levels, pleasant crews etc.. in other words, getting what I have paid for.

I don't recall the last time I called the SST or had any interaction - I think back in Dec when they offered me a ticket to the cricket. To me that's kind of good (and it's great for QF :D ) ... I haven't felt a need to contact them!!

Of course I am still trying to get my head around the definition of "special requests" aspect of the SST, but having seen a couple interesting ones, like the marriage proposal msg on the BP and stuff like that I can see that aspect of the SST. I've had nothing like that to do though (sadly :) )

My experiences pretty much have been mostly positive. The extras like upgrades clearing, and services like MEL F check in and that sort of thing are really good and nice touches.

Maybe I just don't expect too much :) (again, good for QF right? :D )
Having thought I'd not do it, I'll actually retain P1 for a 3rd year with some flights in a few weeks.

I tend to agree with the inconsistent nature of QF, but you have that with many airlines (eve EK has its disappointments). However I find probably 80-85% of my travels - dom and int - have been pretty much as I expected. Most importantly on time, reasonable service levels, pleasant crews etc.. in other words, getting what I have paid for.

Getting what you paid for is fair enough but that's not an incentive to hold high status. Anyone can purchase a ticket and get what they paid for. The biggest problem with P1 is the benefits are inconsistent, some published while other unpublished. Upgrades are few and far between, even basic welcome greetings are inconsistent these days. I forgot the last time offered a ticket to one of the "special" events. Sure, there some nice perks like the flight simulator and also SST is great but as you said, how many times one really need to use it...
Getting what you paid for is fair enough but that's not an incentive to hold high status. Anyone can purchase a ticket and get what they paid for. The biggest problem with P1 is the benefits are inconsistent, some published while other unpublished. Upgrades are few and far between, even basic welcome greetings are inconsistent these days. I forgot the last time offered a ticket to one of the "special" events. Sure, there some nice perks like the flight simulator and also SST is great but as you said, how many times one really need to use it...

Not going to argue with your points at all here, but more my own point of view on this.

When I say I get what I paid for - I basically mean the published, and thus expected, benefits of the status I've attained - in this case P1.

When you say "upgrades are few and far between" - do you mean courtesy op ups or upgrades using points - as in feeling that despite apparent priority over the vast majority of QFF's space is not made available? I'm trying to not assume, though I *think * you mean courtesy op ups.

For me, the "unpublished" benefits are inconsistent because they are opaque to us and most likely on a first come, first served basis, or even the times QF decide to offer things could be affected by all kinds of factors - from simply not putting enough in one's QFF profile in terms of interests etc, to however QF decide to 'reward" people with offers to events or a bottle of wine(I've never had one) or whatever.

For me, I don't count any of these unpublished benefits, like courtesy upgrades, special messages from the SST on BP's or invites as something to have an *expectation* for because it more or less is, as I see it, random in nature (yes I am sure on the farm all animals are equal but some are more equal than others, but that too is opaque to me as a customer so I try to not worry myself too much about what the next P1 is getting vs me).

As it is I mostly am fortunate to purchase in premium cabins for various reasons, so it's rare QF would get an opoortunity to give me a courtesy op up because I'm already in J. That's my choice. With int flying, when I've purchased in J, on routes with F I've had 100% success rate with upgrades to P coming through, usually within the 7 day window. I don't *expect* to get 100%, but I do expect to have a pretty good shot at it, unless I see the flight is showing F1 or less. So from that point of view my expectations re the published benefit of upgrade priority are met.

As for greetings from CSM's or whoever.. really I couldn't be fussed one way or another so don't notice too much. Actually when i think of it I find it a little embarrassing if a fuss is made (but that's just me) so it's not really something I value in terms of my QF experience. Oh it's nice if someone recognises I fly a lot, or like the odd Res agent who has remarked to me that as a P1 I'm very important and help pay their wages and stuff. That's nice, but it's not what I buy my ticket for.

So what is MY incentive for the status? Hard to qualify tbh. I think for things like the upgrade priority (over WP) it's great and if I'm going to be flying enough to make it then I might as well credit to QF rather than maybe making say Gold or something on VA. If I don't make it next year I won't cry. I've made LTG (as discussed elsewhere) so there is far less incentive than there was.

However I may wind up having to get more Y or Y+ tix, and things like the odd op up would be really good but as I wrote above to me all that stuff are like the unexpected cherries on top. Lovely surprises, but not things to be expected.

I should state this though - I have found res VERY accomidating (and lounge staff) when dealing with changes *I* request, or dragging U availability when technically perhaps there shouldn't be any. Sure, part of that is published like same day no fee standby/flight changes and the like, but there's definitely - in my experiences anyway - a deference to the status in terms of meeting my requests (one recent experience comes to mind the night before a flight I noticed the 332 J config had been swapped and I wanted to move to an earlier flight for the J suite, and they did do it and maintain my U seat. at no charge - stuff like that is VERY nice).

Re SST I'd love to get a general idea from others here how often they contact them and perhaps more importantly what for. :)
The fact that you won't "cry" if not re-qualify for P1 next year and the fact that others chose to give up on it and move to other programmes sadly says it all. P1 is not one of those exclusive top tiers any FF would want to have. TBH I'm happy to re-qualify just to avoid WP which slowly becomes worthless.
The fact that you won't "cry" if not re-qualify for P1 next year and the fact that others chose to give up on it and move to other programmes sadly says it all. P1 is not one of those exclusive top tiers any FF would want to have. TBH I'm happy to re-qualify just to avoid WP which slowly becomes worthless.

fair point.

I wonder if this means anything at all to QF or not. I mean, on the one hand, if people are actively switching away - and by people I mean the P1's you'd think they are tracking - at least in the most general of terms - revenue wise then do QFF sit up and take notice and think "Well, they're booking away for a reason(s)" OR is that for every P1 that doesn't requalify (for whatever reason) there may well be another to take their place so QF don't care that much, except in the case of certain individuals who may be higher up the corporate radar. i mean looks like I will requalify with 3620 SC's. that's across the line barely.. why should QF care if I get 3620 or 3315 or 1405 next year? However Ms 7000 SC flyer, say they drop to ... a lot less.. I am sure someone will take notice.

Now of course without talking to us (or reading forums like this) QF has no real way to understand *why* folks may be leaving. It could be due to job changes, personal circumstances (health, maternity/paternity leave etc), budget/corporate policy changes, etc

And let's assume there are between 2k and 5k P1's out there. Let's say 500 of them feel that strongly they leave due to no LTP, or eroded benefits, or lakc of incentive to make it.. but of those 500 (big number really) 300 of them still requal as WP/WP+, so still are giving QF some fair revenue, then QF could really put that down to any reason from health to a slow travel year or whatever.

I wonder if QF somehow can or does track those that credit to other programs. Say John Smith was P1, but starts flying as BA and wind up BA/OWE. It's still the same pax, but do THEY know that? Further, do they care so much if they get the revenue? after all less $$ they have to spend on elite benefits right?

So seems ot me thinking this through what QF need to take notice of is if their uber loyal pax becomes a uber-X loyal pax (see what I did there? :D ) and disappears off their revenue radar. Assuming they even had a real way to track this change, how many such changes does it take for the corporate "brain" to sit up and take notice?

At a guess I'd say it won't happen. That's assuming this is big data QF (or any loyalty company) can easily track. John Smith is a pretty common name :)

Interesting discussion imho.
I heard from ex-P1s that QF called them afterthey dropped to WP to ask why they reduced their flying. This fact alone leads me to believe that QF are not aware or just don't care if P1s are leaving. A serious company would use previous years stats and call those P1s at that point when it becomes obvious if they keep that flying pattern they won't re-qualify and try to bring them back while its not too late. There are not that many P1s (~3K), it's not hard to keep track on everyone.
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Underwhelming and inconsistent remain the words for me. I dropped from P1 to WP last October - no call or request for why the drop in flights. Zero invitations, zero upgrades other than on EK and an obviously full domestic QF Y flight. Hit and miss SST delivery of requests or ability to assist - though I never was in real trouble.

I have just done enough flights to requalify P1 but amazingly my last flights haven't credited (my previous 3500 all credited correctly within 2 days with one exception but the latest 200 have not credited in over a week). Will call soon, but doesn't surprise me or make feel anything other than this will be another nothing year. Doesn't really matter as my next QF flights are in J and my next international flights are on other carriers anyway. But I'll advise when it is corrected and of my experiences.
On QF 412 this morning, three of us pre assigned A330 23A,23B and 24A.

Upon checkin we are scattered, with me in 45K.

Seems a aircraft equip swap caused the issue.

At checkin I asked if we could have our seats we asked for (we are in a hurry when we land) anyway was given 23A back, with a colleague in 23B. The other in exit row 44.

Anyway the checkin agent went down to the gate and gave us 2E and 2F. In a refurb A330.

That's service recovery at its best. I didn't catch the checkin agents name, but she took ownership of an issue and followed it through to a great conclusion.

That's sums up QF an issue that shouldn't happen but brilliant service recovery.
On QF 412 this morning, three of us pre assigned A330 23A,23B and 24A.

Upon checkin we are scattered, with me in 45K.

Seems a aircraft equip swap caused the issue.

At checkin I asked if we could have our seats we asked for (we are in a hurry when we land) anyway was given 23A back, with a colleague in 23B. The other in exit row 44.

Anyway the checkin agent went down to the gate and gave us 2E and 2F. In a refurb A330.

That's service recovery at its best. I didn't catch the checkin agents name, but she took ownership of an issue and followed it through to a great conclusion.

That's sums up QF an issue that shouldn't happen but brilliant service recovery.

If only it was like that all the time when things go wrong.

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