re: [Confirmed] Qatar May be Invited to Join One World
This is why I laugh at how AFF spins on so many rumours!
Did you even bother to check the veracity of that article?
A hobbyist blog, hosted on blogspot (so not even serious enough to have its own domain name), runs the headline "PAL to go Europe after Toronto, Awaits ICAO audit this month,
and to join Oneworld Alliance".
Wow, so PAL is joining OneWorld! But what is the blogger's source for this?
It's not mentioned at all, and only at the very end of the article does the blogger write "Cruz said that PAL is heading for Oneworld Alliance and is currently in the process of upgrading its IT with Sabre ticketing reservation system, which could pave the way to a future membership with Oneworld scheduled for 2014. PAL membership to the alliance is sponsored by Cathay Pacific."
So the Sabre upgrade is a speculative '
could pave the way for future OneWorld membership', and we still don't have any source for what Cruz is alleged to have said.
Do a quick search on Google and there's just ONE article on this, not the stack you'd expect if PAL had actually made the announcement, and that article (
Philippines Airlines long haul plans will depend of Europe and the USA) is clearly the source for the blogger's piece. And in this, OneWorld isn't mentioned until the very end and then as follows:
Regarding alliances, PAL is currently upgrading its IT with Sabre, which could pave the way to a future membership with Oneworld. PAL works already in close cooperation with Cathay Pacific and would feet at best into the Oneworld network. But it might take another year or two before a concrete announcement.
So there's NO statement from PAL that it's joining OneWorld or even heading for OneWorld, and only a mention that PAL is buddies with CX, not that CX is PAL's OneWorld sponsor, and that "it might take another year or two before a concrete announcement."
But this doesn't stop an amateur aviation enthusiast blogger from saying that PAL
is joining OneWorld or that CX is its sponsor!