As a customer,I simply don't care how an airline is funded, as long as it's not illegal. If some government wants to subsidise my travel in a great product, why should I care?
I think the antagonistic comments here are from those either flying on Qantas/government contracts ( not personally paying, so put up with relative cough to enjoy free status) or the 'ol rusted on Qantas flyers who won't try anything else in case their lifelong faith is shattered.
I've flown Qantas for 40 years or so ; abt 540 of my 1200 flights. When I discovered QR about 10 years ago, it was a Damascene conversion. The step up for the price was hard to credit.
The mangy marsupial mob can chuck all the smart alec comments they like. I'll be in QSuites.

and a shame that the Australian government has agreed to limit supply and competition.