So a bit of drama has created a bit of anxiety at the start of our cruise. It was an absolutely miserable day so we decided to board late as well as making a taxi essential for the transfer. Fortunately then not out in the open apart from a few seconds getting out of the taxi. Mrsdrron was in good spirits and was happy when we went to the restaurant and ate her first course and then watched me have my soup. She had 1 or 2 mouthfuls and suddenly her expression changed and she looked fearful. I asked what was wrong and she said she could see 2 of me. Then felt really funny and she agreed I should take her back to our suite.
She could hardly walk. I had to change her into her nightie. She kept saying what is wrong with me every 3 minutes or so and bursting into tears.
My examination didn't show anything abnormal but I called the doctor. BP was 120/80 and glucose 5.1. She then went to sleep. I had none. When she awoke she was basically back to her old self but upset she had no memory from the time we sat down in the restaurant until she woke up. She then developed a left sided headache and nausea with some photophobia. She does have a history of migraine so a migraine with a prolonged aura.
She had an episode back in December when she fell and hit her head. Everyone put the headache and memory loss as due to the head injury and being knocked out. however her behaviour when she came too was exactly the same as last night's so I am hopeful we now have a diagnosis and don;t have to abort the cruise.
So now back to normal programming. On the first morning in Yokohama it was time to try and get my shoe fixed and buy a new computer mouse. got the places from the concierge but they weren't open until 11 am. So after a couple of shots out the window -
it was time to do a little reconnoitre of the nearby mall. It turned out to be a series of malls going back to Sakuragicho station. I was able to find a 100 yen shop to bring mrsdrron back to.
Just after 11 we set off for the shoe repairer.
Found the shoe guy and with a combination of broken English, broken Japanese with a bit of sign language we got there and he told us to come back at the same time tomorrow -Sunday.
Seeing we were in the building which contains the Landmark tower Sky Garden we thought we would go there. On the way we saw something I never knew I wanted - A Swirkle.
Out side of the mall was an old dry dock.
and an interesting building across the street.