Slow (/Non)Posting of VA Points / SC's since the SABRE switchover

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Try emailing silver@velocityrewards. I had a follow-up email saying they'd escalated it and a hone call from them after emailing here. I tried a number of avenues but saw in the email it was a reply and in the phone call they mentioned it too. The retro email is a waste of time I find. Good thing is now they've had lots of practice!

Thanks good tip - I had forgotten about that email address. Not hugely urgent for me as am not getting close to gold yet due to our travel provider avoiding VA since Jan 2013 but understand its important for other members on here.
I forgot about the online tool. Just tried it and received the following:

"Unfortunately there has been a system error while processing your retro claim. Please send a copy of your itinerary to [email protected] and one of our team will action this on your behalf."

How helpful.

eastwest101 have you had anything post from January yet? I'm only NR, so I'm interested to know if anything is happening for pax at the sub-SG level. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm starting to think the VA solution to their point liability might be to drag their feet until they can say "Sorry. Too late to claim. Better luck next time."

Yes - the online missing claim points tool would seem to be broken judging from the lack of successful ability to claim points from most members I have seen post here. Hence the rush for emails, online feedback, phone calls, twitter, facebook etc etc - its a classic case of one part of the business fails (IT Sabre transition team) and the effect is felt throughout the entire Velocity and VA teams of Customer Complaints/Pubic Relations/Yield/Bookings/Seat selection/Call Centre staff/airport staff/lounge angels etc etc. In our business we call it a "bottleneck" - for VA unfortunately their bottleneck is the primary information exchange system that the whole business relies on so its back to manual time consuming methods to keep the business running in a reactive mode. Then everyone starts to run around in circles with their hair on fire....:)

But in answer to your question - yes as a Silver I have just got points and SC's posted correctly on the 17th Feb for flights taken on the 26th Jan, but I understand some other people have much longer/bigger problems than I.

Probably more of a massive screw up rather than a deliberate attempt in my opinion, but I am sure the VA & Velocity yield managers and accountants wouldn't be crying over the "expired" SC and points situation. :D
All of my out standings from mid January have posted and the other half dozen flights I have taken since then have posted Points and SC's within 36 hrs
None of my international partner flights, aka SQ, have posted yet, which for some reason before the changeover took less than 48 hours to credit. Now it's been 2 weeks. Frustrating :evil:. Fortunately all my domestic sectors have an average posting speed of 36 hours after the flight, with the flight yesterday posting before 24 hours after the flight. :D
The retro claim worked for me once and worked eventually after 2 claims for a second flight. Given the long timeframe they allow for flights to post social media really is overkill, at this stage.

eastwest101 have you had anything post from January yet? I'm only NR, so I'm interested to know if anything is happening for pax at the sub-SG level. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm starting to think the VA solution to their point liability might be to drag their feet until they can say "Sorry. Too late to claim. Better luck next time."

You have 12 months to claim missing flights. Do you really think they're going to fob you off for 12 months. I don't.
You have 12 months to claim missing flights. Do you really think they're going to fob you off for 12 months. I don't.

Intentionally? I doubt it, but unintentionally????????????

We keep a close eye on points/SCs but there are a heap out there that just "trust" the airlines to keep tally for them. Are VA going to actively look back at all flights taken to ensure they've awarded them all correctly, or will they just deal with the noisey ones to shut them up?
None of my international partner flights, aka SQ, have posted yet, which for some reason before the changeover took less than 48 hours to credit. Now it's been 2 weeks. Frustrating :evil:. Fortunately all my domestic sectors have an average posting speed of 36 hours after the flight, with the flight yesterday posting before 24 hours after the flight. :D

Yeah, I have 2 SQ flights (16th Jan) that are yet to post, but two I took in early Feb posted in about 24 hours...
Still nothing from Jan 11th Flilght. Has anyone been successful in getting points/SC's from the 11-15 of Jan yet?
My Feb domestic flights have posted within 24 hours but I am still waiting for a couple of codeshare Air NZ flights from 1st Feb. I am in no rush and will wait for a few more weeks before I panic.

I'm sure they are slowly sorting out the backlog
I had emailed claiming SC from DJ flights on 10/1 & 11/1 and hadn't heard anything so I just rang the Gold FF number and queried it and they did it straight away on the phone for me, no other issues, they now seem to appear within 48hrs. It took about 4 weeks for SC from recent Etihad flights to drop in.
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Yeah, I have 2 SQ flights (16th Jan) that are yet to post, but two I took in early Feb posted in about 24 hours...
I flew two SQ sectors on 17 Feb. No account activity yet. My wife flew the same sectors on 19 Feb and they both pooled to me within 24 hours. So it's all a bit mysterious!
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Intentionally? I doubt it, but unintentionally????????????

We keep a close eye on points/SCs but there are a heap out there that just "trust" the airlines to keep tally for them. Are VA going to actively look back at all flights taken to ensure they've awarded them all correctly, or will they just deal with the noisey ones to shut them up?

Is there any airline/FF program that actively goes back to make sure flights have posted? It's up to the customer not the airline. Any customer who is missing points should ring and be noisey about it.

Telstra just tried to rip me off, am I going to sit there and wait for them to fix it, or do my 'nana at them.
As others have done earlier in the thread, I emailed [email protected] on Friday after deciding I was sick of waiting for a flight from early-Feb to credit and received a personalised response today indicating they're following it up. It might still take a couple of weeks but at least there's a request in the system now.
You have 12 months to claim missing flights. Do you really think they're going to fob you off for 12 months. I don't.

I get that, and the likelihood of loosing the points/SCs altogether are pretty slim... But with the current promo I really would prefer to get the points as soon as possible, but at least with enough time to use the points before the promo ends. Assuming I've counted right I still need another 60 SCs to get to gold (over what I have booked at the moment).
I flew 4 legs on SQ last week and all posted in 2 business days.

The previous 4 legs from two weeks ago still only have 1 leg posted. Will follow up with them again...
Still waiting for 11 jan flight emailed again today, this is the only one missing all Feb flights posted within 48hrs.
Just put my partners claim in for monday 18ths flight and received this message "Your retro claim has been successful. Points will be added to your Velocity Account within 72 hours". Hoping this is the message I want to see and 72 hours is earth hours and not some far flung galaxy's were time seams to stand still.Mine apperared 2 days after the flight, as this is the second time hers has not posted on time where mine did would love to know why. We were both SG on the flight but hers showed silver on the ticket and could not be changed at the airport.

Considering it was a J ticket it would be nice to not have to chase these things up especially considering the price they charge in the first place.If I wasnt waiting for the points I would just wait but like anything when you are in hurry they take forever.
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