Just a note for SQ noobs out there, from this noob, for info ...
I have a 2 sector waitlist for F HKG-SIN-SYD (with a confirmed HKG-SIN-MEL the following day). Quite excited to receive a text saying waitlist had cleared (abt 2 months after booking, and 8 days before flight) and requesting that I log on to confirm, else the booking will be cancelled in 3 days (IIRC).
I didn't read the text closely, and my excitement dissipated a bit when I logged on to find that the SIN-SYD leg had cleared, but the HKG-SIN leg had not. I called to enquire about the situation, and was told that they would ask reservations about it (CE had already kindly put a word in for me

). Still not cleared 2 days later , so the whole waitlist will 'evaporate' tomorrow (4 days before waitlisted flight date) if the second sector doesn't clear.
This isn't a complaint or similar (I have my confirmed flights the following day), just pointing out a situation that I hadn't anticipated - that having one leg of a multi-leg waitlist clear 'early' will result in the whole waitlist being deleted possibly well before the flight if the other leg doesn't also clear within the 3 day window.
The upside is that I will have certainty of my travel dates and can book extra night in HKG and my final flight home to HBA