I have 3 follow-up questions for clarification re Amex applications using ITIN (I've read this whole thread and thought I had a fool-proof strategy until my recent applications threw up both pop-up jail and a 4506c request, the double combo. Very humbling!)
1. When applying for a subsequent Amex card with an ITIN after using GT for the initial card(s), do you log into your US Amex account and then proceed to apply while logged in? I'm seeing some DPs that ask whether the person was logged in or not when they applied after having received a 4506c request or their application has otherwise been sent for pending review. I'm not sure why tbh.
2. After a 4506c request, is there a recommended timeframe to wait before applying again? I've seen DPs ranging from immediately after, to a couple of weeks, to 3 months+.
3. How soon after getting an ITIN should you wait before trying to apply with the ITIN when having c. 3 years credit history with just Amex (having used GT) and a FICO score of around 760 and TU score of 758 (obtained from unsuccessful C1 pre-approval tool letter)?
Appreciate any assistance. Thanks!