I contributed max for the last 10years of full time (varied according to rules) and this was a massive help. But also used proceeds of sale of investment property to contribute to MrsOatek, who had a very small balance 10years out from retirement. The main things is to keep up with changes, opportunities as time to contribute runs out.Yes indeed. We are certainly maximizing it now plus put personal contributions in when we sold the home last year.
Not quite old enough to use the downsizerDownsizer contributions or just using the personal contributions cap x 2, or both? Excellent strategies
@QF WP - is there a calculator for determining unused amounts over a 5 year period? Or is it just a case of subtracting employer (and personal, if applicable) contributions from the cap for a particular year?
Thanks @QF WP - so can I catch up on 5 years from this year, ie back to 2016, or only from 2018 onwards?No online calculators that I've seen @Happy Dude - this MLC page with it's example and table are a lot easier to understand than the ATO one:
Alternatively, this SuperGuide explanation is good, but no handy calculator: How carry-forward (catch-up) super contributions work | SuperGuide
Only from 2018/19 FY, as it says in the MLC article:
2018/19 was the first financial year you could accrue unused cap amounts
If in doubt, seek advice, as you don't want to get it wrong.
March 2021 figures now inIn Dec 2016, the first period in which Country of Birth was available
Italy 103,595
Greece 72,494
Dec 2019
Italy 90,394
Greece 67,341
Ref Search
Italy | 86,978 |
Iraq | 7,761 |
Greece | 65,864 |
....with Census 2021 looming to provide updated population figures...
Aged pension recipients numbers as follows;
Sept 2013 2,359,215
June 2014 2,404,902
June 2015 2,486,195
June 2016 2,538,161
Census total over 65 3,676,763 so 69.5% by Sept 2016
Sept 2016 2,556,410
June 2017 2,498,765
June 2018 2,477,861
June 2019 2,533,359
June 2020 2,556,017
Sept 2020 2,568,302
Ref DSS Payment Demographics
Calculating the total costs of a public policy program is a novel idea.... were one to consider the total “salary package” of an elder Australian (cash, concessions and Freebies like Medicare plus aged care plus PBS heavily subsidised) TOTAL all up spend is ??.?
Aside the PC.gov.AuCalculating the total costs of a public policy program is a novel idea.
This should include both the direct costs (outlays and subsidies) and the indirect costs (e.g. forgone revenue).
Remember when we had a AFF workgroup on Jobkeeper implementation/processingNow we have Super Stapling to look forward to. Pretty simple for me because I always get a Superchoice form before employee starts as standard doc pack but put it on your radar.
View attachment 251078
Pretty strait forward - some "interest Groups" trying to indicate that it locks an employee into to the one fund 'for life', but that is incorrect.Remember when we had a AFF workgroup on Jobkeeper implementation/processingNow we have Super Stapling to look forward to. Pretty simple for me because I always get a Superchoice form before employee starts as standard doc pack but put it on your radar.