Re: [Repudiated by QF] QF removing Any Seat Awards (ASA) from 08 April
(completely OT and mods feel free to delete)
When I actively reconsider using a word because I think a portion of the audience will not understand, then I repudiate the richness of my language. Sometimes the lowest common denominator is useful. As some proudly judge others by their dress, then surely celebrating and embracing the breadth of our language is something to be maintained and linguistic dumbing down to be avoided? Actually we all use our vocabulary, and usually don't even stop to think whether the words we use will be understood by the audience (unless we face people who we know have a much poorer vocabulary than ourselves, in which case just shout louder).
Indeed it surprises me when a word I use is not understood.
After all, is my vocabulary so erudite, esoteric, arcane, and obfuscatory that it must be modified "for all the dummies"?