I think it is time I gave up drinking although I don't think I will start drinking tea or coffee.
Woke up yesterday morning with a bruised knuckle (hope it is not broken although pain has gone away but bruising is still quite visible), very patchy recollection of the previous night and no idea where I put my wallet. The phone rang which gave away it''s location although I do not remember putting it on the charger the night before. Then trying to work out what happened on Friday I remember the IT department lunch at Stamford Plaza, coming back to the office to swap presents and more beer, then off to the pub on my own to drink more beer and lose lots of money I cannot afford to lose

() and get asked to leave and never come back again (not for fighting but arguing with slot machines, go figure) and then came back to the Mill hotel to drink some more and finally off to bed or something along the lines as I do not really remember. I think I had 14 beers and 2 glasses of sparkling wine. :-|
Still no idea how I got the bruised knuckle (fell over, knocked it somewhere, hit something), found my wallet safely in my suitcase


and did it all again last night at the company Christmas function at Victoria Park Golf course. I intentionally went late ~9:30pm so that I did not drink too much but still managed to have 16 beers in 2 hours. There were way too many people waiting outside for a taxi so I started walking to Spring Hill hoping to find a taxi on the way and had no luck so I kept walking until I was in my room.
I think the exercise did me the world of good and last night is lot more clearer than the night before. So much for my calorie diet and I was doing so well at the beggining of the week drinking only one beer on Wednesday with the the other 3 days alcohol free....