I guess I have to strike while the iron is hot but I really don't know how to approach this subject and am afraid I'll choke. Indeed, it could even be said my reputation for puns is an albatross around my neck. However, I'll try and hit the sweet spot.There will be some below par comments I can't lie about that. But hopefully I won't be wedged into a tight spot. I'll try and remember the local rules as I aim for the hole. Although I am afraid some people might think I have a bit too much lip. But that's a hazard us punsters face.I'll keep a grip and try not to be too gross and I'll take any gimme I can lay my hands on.Who knows? I might even get rid of the bogey as I travel the fairway on the way to the beach.Now it's time to carry the cup to the caddy for a bite or two.In the meantime I'll try for extra points to go on a long flight and hopefully not be handicapped too much by my cute dimples.