From memory alcohol raises the liver enzyme GGT. And I forget but certain medications, such as NSAIDs, can raise ALP/AST levels.
I had high liver function for many years. I saw a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with fatty liver but nothing serious. His recommendation was to have 3-4 alcohol free days per week which I have been doing for well over 10 years usually not having a drink Monday-Thursday.
My liver function tests for the past 10 years or so have returned to normal.
I suspect the methotrexate is the one causing all the issues but without it I am in big trouble. It is very difficult dealing with ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliitis, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis etc. Need to find alternate medication, one of the new biologics has been recommended, but I have been stuffed around by the Rheumatology clinic at Princess Alexandra Hospital for the past couple of years.
Another reason why I want to get as much out of golf now as it quite possible that I won't be able to play later.