You've raised an old bugbear of mine (well, not directly, but it does bring it to mind). I won't comment on the appropriateness or otherwise of this sentence, but i have long held the view that financial crimes are generally punished far too harshly when compared with physical crimes against the person. I can defeaud the big four bank i work for of, say, $500,000 over 5 years and get 3 years in jail for it. Or I can randomly beat someone senseless in the street causing them permanent physical and psychological damage, and receive a suspended jail sentence and 200 hours of community service. There are of course all sorts of factors to be considered - the fraud is calculated and ongoing for some time, while the physical assault may be spur of the moment and while drunk (not so long ago that - being drunk -was a valid defence in Victoria, thankfully no longer I think), but overall a week does not go by where I don't read of examples of sentencing that, IMO, are seriously askew for one reason or another.