This is just too scary.
As mentioned earlier my Samsung S5 restarted itself 4 times within an hour.
Last night I shut down the laptop and a few hours later started it back up again but did not log on.
This morning I logged back on and it would appear my user profile has been initialised again. I didn't do it. The desktop is gone. And with it all my spreadsheets and text files used to store flight bookings. The USB has not been updated since 26/11/2015.
I have not been well all week. I knew something was wrong. Before I shut the laptop down yesterday I thought I haven't taken a copy of the desktop onto the USB for a while.
I am using Windows Vista. Any idea what has happened to the files on my desktop? I cannot see them in the recycle bin. Have they just disappeared or has the system taken a copy of them somewhere before removing them? Can I restore my user profile?
Any thoughts because right now I am going to go crazy trying to work out what Windows Vista thinks it needed to do.