Yes drron. Thanks for coming in. I agree and will do this after a break in Queensland. I am very much doctor weary right now, exhausted actually and to have them squabbling over test results in front of me is ridiculous.
Medhead - yes agree there are idiots in the public health sector. But this guy called everyone who worked on the diagnosis as incompetent. That includes 2 GP's, two ultrasonographers, two private radiologists plus an unknown number of PH radiologists, three clinicians, the Medical Consultant plus a Haematologist. ie everyone but himself. Because he said my condition was rare. I effin know that, I always knew that but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Oh. He also said the hospital should have done a venous xray of the clot. The hospital said they would not do that for fear of having the clot break and go to my heart first or then lungs (PE). He said - "big deal, so it goes to your lungs and you get a PE. Thats manageable, its not like it would go to your brain and you would stroke or anything". This guy is not a haematologist btw. Can you tell?
After a perfunctory examination during which time he talked of the other patient he said 'ABC' caused my condition. So he had agreed that the condition did occur and latched on to something convenient as a causal factor. I know if I was obese or smoked he would have used that excuse.
And in defence of the PH personnel, they have always treated me with respect. They have called me and followed up after I left Hospital. They care. I had complete confidence in them. He tried to destroy that. That was not his task to do.