It is incredible that in the space of a little over 50 years that Australia has gone from being the world's richest nation (per capita) to one of the most rapidly deteriorating ones.
Australia is the only country on this planet that contains every mineral/element required for modern commerce/life.
Yet politicians of all colours (red, green or blue) have predominantly put their own best interest ahead of the nation's.
We have been fed a diet of inaccurate, sometimes bordering on the criminally misleading, spin dressed as facts by the parties at Fed, State & Local Govt levels.
Quick quiz:
- Does the US or Australia have greater traffic congestion (measured as median travelling time NOT average) during morning and afternoon peaks?
- Does Australia or Germany have the higher proportion of high rise apartment blocks per 1,000,000 population?
- Does an Australian have the right to purchases (outright) land in China? Agricultural land? Residential? Commercial? Industrial?
- Why do privately owned T-shirt factories overseas measure annual output in 100,000s per worker vs Australia in 1,000s per worker?
- Are major property developers and construction companies 'legally' allowed to donate more than $5,000 to political parties in Germany, France, England?
- Before the GFC hit which was more expensive - a similar quality house 10 km from New York or Sydney?
- Post the GFC could you purchase housing in the "Golden Triangle" in Florida for 4 months mortgage repayments on a similarly located and similar constructed house in Sydney on 1/4 the land size?
BTW "Golden triangle" = draw three lines joining Orlando, Daytona Beach and Cape Canerval - traditionally had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the US regardless of deep recession or boom, not impacted (severely) by hurricanes/bad weather, good school districts etc etc. Have you ever heard of Disneyworld shut due to a hurricane? Walt Disney was such a smart guy.
Before I got busy, I looked at a 2002 built brick & tile 3 brm, 2 bth, 3 car internal garage, 1/4 acre (just over 1,000 sqm) & other side of the road was a National park - price (including sales costs AUD 22,300). At the time it was rented out for equiv of AUD 700/month (reduced from 900). So annoying when life gets in the way of opportunity.