Well, the Greens here in Tassie loath the renewable, base-load carbon free hydro power that usually services 80-odd% of this state's energy needs. Hydro would have supplied more but of course Bob Brown and his ilk stopped the construction of more carbon free, base-load renewable hydro energy schemes, such that now, when hydro isn't enough, we now rely on a tiny amount of wind, but mostly that nice brown-coal produced base load from Victoria (and other coal from elsewhere) to keep the wheels turning. Oh, and when the interconnector went down last spring, and we couldn't suck on that nice coal made electricity, they re-started the gas power station and brought in a whole heap of diesel gensets to get some electrons going.
Major win for Bob there.
But to answer your question - neither.
Well actually I should have qualified the question by saying as judged by a voter for the three major political parties to make it easier.
The Snowy scheme is very different to Tassie - where only a small capacity exists to 'do a Snowy' aka use brown coal-fired electricity to pump the water up from the lower storage levels.
What all but a fraction of a % of the population do not know is that the Snowy Mountains are perhaps the largest single purchaser of brown coal-fired electricity in Australia.
At night when all but ardent AFFers have turned off their PCs/laptops/iPads/smartphones and power demand is nudging along the bottom - Hazelwood et al continue bulldozing the coal into the boilers as rapidly as they do on a summers day at 3pm with a 7 capitals avg temperature of 37 degrees.
The Snowy however wait for the overnight prices to fall to certain trigger levels and then start powering up their pumps to get the water up high once more. Then during the day once prices have got above certain trigger levels they wind open the sluice gates and down goes the water to drive the turbines. Competing with the gas-fired power stations to take the cream off the top of surging power prices.
Effectively the Snowy is the 2nd worst polluter after the brown coal-fired power plants - worse than the black coal-fired power plants.
Nice way for its owners to turn a buck and sell its 'clean green energy' no?
WARNING: For some this link is as bad as Flightradar...
Nem Watch : Renew Economy

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