Yowzers. Am selling my holiday place, so have to empty the garage which has been my storage facility since I moved back to Tasmania in 2004.
Most furniture can go to local Mens Shed. Biggest item for investigation were the 25-30 cartons of 'stuff' kept because, well, you don't throw stuff out unless you have to. These cartons contained much of my paper life since first year Uni in '78 until when I left investment banking in 2004.
* Undergrad uni lecture notes, assignments etc ; Photo album from that era

(God, weren't we young ... and
thin! )
* Ansett Golden Wing cards;
* Letters to and from my main geology employer Western Mining Corp from my first job offer to my resignation, including advice of various pay rises through the years
* Most of my income tax returns from 1981-2004

* MSc in Canada notes, assignments etc; more photos from that era

(Still young, not so thin, but in attractive company

* Recipe for Newfie 'Screech'

* Pictures of me AFTER drinking said Screech;

* Pictures of me and friends after the annual 'Swamp Race'
* Publications on the geology of northern Canada;
* Investment Banking stuff - Corporations law, Takeover booklets by the score, presentations, valuations; most companies long forgotten;
* A genuine Bre-X share certificate

(bought as a souvenir in Toronto after they went bust)
* Masses of my mum & dad's books - oh, what to do with them!
* Various pet rocks
Alas, most of it went to the tip (2 cubic m) ; just a few treasures kept. Much relief that no remorse has set in.