You will note that I haven’t formed an opinion one way or the other. Which I could easily do. Given my VERY strong family connections with Africa. My Grandmother was South African, my Kiwi grandpa served in the SAAF in ww2 , and my mother was brought up there. I have cousins and second cousins still in south Africa, some can’t afford to leave. and so I choose NOT to hold any bias or opinions other than my own.
Which as i say, i keep to myself. I will however make observations. And in my opinion. “Two wrongs don’t make a right”
South Africa will continue to spiral into oblivion if the current regime are allowed to continue with their profligate and corrupt ways. That’s an observation, not an opinion.
The difference is already noticeable. My mother’s cousin who is a bit elderly admittedly, is too afraid to venture out after sundown. I’m sure we all know a number of South African expatriates who will tell you what they think.
Who’s fault that is I leave to those more knowledgeable than me on such matters.