I near on lost the will to live today while trying to deal with a share registry.
I need to change my name details on my holding, but to do so I need my SRN. So I ring them up to get access to it as I can’t find it in my papers. Seems they will only provide it by sending it to my address on file - which I lived at 10 years ago. But oh I can submit a change of address form - but that too requires the SRN...
So I can’t get the number without it being sent to me, but to change the address so it is sent to me, I need the SRN!
Surely there is another way? Why yes - you can write to us (no email) and enclose a copy of a photographic ID, something with my current address on it and something with my old address - as I have to ‘prove’ I am connected to both addresses. Ask if I can use my drivers licence to satisfy ID and address (given it is government issued) - NO!
And how to get around producing something showing old address when I have nothing. Oh - you just need to say in the letter you used to live there...
But if I want my SRN to then be sent to me vs waiting for next dividend payment then I have to pay a $55 Admin fee!
I get the need to treat an SRN securely but they don’t seem to understand how circular there process is. There is no reason they should not accept a certified government issued Identification document as sufficient.
I really want to file it in the too hard basket but I have $400 of dividends sitting there to be paid to me!