Insurance policies get criticised as being too complex but some of the discussion on here in the last couple of days shows why there has to be detail. Also note wordings DO vary between insurers. I have cut this section from the Budget Direct wording re "Temporarily Removed".
10. Contents temporarily removed from the insured address when we insure your contents. When your contents are insured, we will cover them for loss or damage caused by an insured event when you are temporarily residing in:
a motel or hotel room
a holiday apartment
another home
a hospital or nursing home
a residential club
the fully enclosed living quarters
of an educational institution.
The most we will pay for any loss or damage caused by an insured event is caused by an insured event is shown in Part B
We will not pay for:contents outside Australia theft when there is no forced entry into the building, room or apartment where the contents are located contents temporarily removed from the insured address for more than 90 days cash, cheques, or any other negotiable financial documents computers including laptops, electronic tablets and personal digital assistants (PDAs) mobile phones including smart phones, portable car phones and their accessories contents that are located at a furniture repository or any type of storage facility.
Simplified insured events are-fire, explosion, theft or attempted theft, malicious damage/vandalism/riot or civil commotion, accidental breakage of particular glass, storm& rainwater, lightning, earthquake, sudden & unexpected escape of liquid at insured address (restrictions), impact at the home (restricted),