Pulled into to have a coffee and sandwich, late breakfast, near the airport in Asturias, got the coffee but no ready made sandwiches, it was a bar/cafe/bottle shop/grocery all in one. I wandered around to the food section to buy some rolsl and cheese to make my own. Guy comes to me and says in very good English 'the bartender/shop owner will make you a sandwich'.
Hmm, didn't sound English but no real accent, where are you from I ask? Melbourne he says, actually Traralgon, been living in Spain since 1992. Turned out to be a good bloke, bought my coffee and food, except he is a Carlton supporter, boo, hiss.
In return I gave him my two week old SMH and an Australian kangaroo flag I have been carrying.
Did I tell you how beautiful it is here? Certainly changed my perceptions of Spain. The weather had been very good, not too hot, and it was sunny until just before I arrived, he says this is the best part of Spain to live.
Have felt sorry for the hundreds of people trudging along in the rain on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. Can't be fun.