Rather, yes. You sound like my rabid Apple-fanatic friends who seem to think that Apple is the source of all innovation within the the tech industry, and that there has not been a single idea since the 1980s that has been good that hasn't come from Apple. They constantly go on about how much they don't need Flash and what terrible battery life it causes. It gets painful.
I use a mac, and I’m not being a fanboy when I say it really does kill me battery life if I’m on the couch. It goes down substantially. It also runs my processor very hot, that tends to start burning my lap. That’s not an exaggeration, that’s the reality.
As for not using it, the last time it popped up on a site when I wasn’t expecting it was yesterday, and I wouldn’t have worried had it not played, in fact I would have been really happy had that video not played.
I do use Youtube, but all their videos are H.264 anyway, so there wouldn’t be an issue if I browsed on an iPad instead.
Flash isn’t an issue for the iPad, but if it’s an issue for anybody here then it really shouldn’t be. Change your viewing habits, however you can.
Ever tried to access the Air NZ Airpoints site without flash?
Or the Qantas site?
No, I’m not an Air NZ member, but if it was such a big problem then you’d think they’d implement a solution without Flash don’t you? Surely they can see how many iOS users try access their site each day, so if they’re not changing for their users, doesn’t really say much about them.
And I guess you could say the same about Apple with the iPad, but the end result will be what’s written above, everyone will be so happy having substantially less battery life. Yay.
On another note, it sure is strange being awake this early…

…and after sleep