I don't know what the cause is, but the issue of children being super-allergic to just about everything needs to be sorted out.
From a base of no formal knowledge on the topic.
The following is not in relation to NUT allergies......which I know is very serious.
I'm convinced "for some" it's got to do with the cough, mass produced food people are eating......I'm not talking about junk food it's the everyday food we buy in boxes, packets, tins, etc.
I've watched one of my kids have a miserable start in life with allergies - having our much loved family doctor of 15+ years dish out multiply, 6 week courses of antibiotics for my 2 year old son just didn't sit well with us.
We changed his diet....including ours and his health & ours has improved. We are not hard core purists and eat everything - we just select/prefer foods that have had minimal human contact in the supply chain. It's not any harder, maybe a little more inconvenient but a lot more expensive.
My boy is now aged 11 -
Has gone from having courses of prescribed antibiotics to I can't rembember his last one
Having asthma drugs daily to now needing a few puffs of Vetolin for around a 7 day period, spread across the year
Having lots of sick days to now missing school for the last 5 years no more than 1 or 2 days
FWIW, we have no idea if the diet is the reason for his improvement however, the results are amazing.
Everyone is different & to the many GP members of AFF.....our family GP is still the first person we see when required & we take/follow the advice in all cases.
We are not living on the fringe of society, our kids will eat whatever is placed in front of them & we enjoy life to the full. We are currently in Barcelona and the kids are loving the food.....after two weeks in Spain I don't want to leave.....but Paris is calling!