Well, about time I stuck my head back in here and said hi! Have you missed me?
Life has got in the way of a good story, so a bit of an update. Firstly, I'm finally employed again after 14mths of being a jobseeker (a horrible expierence I must tell you). Sadly, not in the job I want, but it pays the bills and keeps a roof over ones' head.
I'm now working for a fruit-related global consumer technology company, in a short-term project as a Support Consultant - and that's as much as I can say on that due to a pretty strict NDA in force. It's nowhere near the role I wanted, puts me back into an industry I'd not really prefer to be in and at a salary which undervalues my skills and cramps my style, but beggers can't be choosers as they say in the classics.
Getting going in this job, tying off some loose end's for a friends business, and of course dealing with my own health problems has pretty much consumed every minute of the day I can spare for the last eight weeks (hence not organising an April drinks night, something to line up with the RAAF Open Day or making any progress on Christmas in July). I'd love to be doing more non-work stuff, but I've only got two arms and limited hours in the day.
Have appreciated the personal messages and support from the members around these parts, and I hope a word from one of them may help score my dream role which an Aussie aviation company has just put out to advertisment this week - which I must get around to applying for very quickly.
Will be in and out of AFF whenever I can, have perused the list of nearly 500 unread theads since my last visit and absorbed/contributed whatever I can. Don't know if or when I'll be back in the air, but it can't be much longer as the QP keeps calling like an unavoidable siren's song. Happy travels.