OK, a big few days coming up! The next few posts were typed pretty late at night, so apologies in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors!
Last day of the convention finished early, so I did a little more exploring and got a ticket to Ka at MGM from Tix4Tonight (one of the booths on the strip) for $98 bucks. I grabbed the 7pm show, as I wanted to be up early to head out to the Hoover Dam the next day.
It was almost a full house, but I guess that’s to be expected in Vegas. I did take some pics but they’re not worth showing…plus you’re not allowed to. It was a good show, though admittedly I just sat there with my eyes half closed for the last 1/3 of the show trying to stay awake – I was soooo tired – that’s not a reflection on the show I promise. I was amazed at the ‘production’ the stagecraft was incredible!
It was straight to bed after the show as I wanted to be at Hertz at 7:30am to pick up my car.
I (obviously) booked a Camero ($148 odd bucks) for 24 hours, the logic being I would use it to drive myself to the airport the following morning for my flight to JFK.

(parking lot of Pawn Stars)
I had looked at a Porsche or the AMG Merc, but I couldn’t justify it for $350+ per day (depending on what car you got).
To my surprise, Hertz wasn’t at the Airport - lucky the cabby knew that - but rather at the ‘Rent-a-Car’ centre located a 10-minute shuttle bus ride from the Terminal.
I went to the Gold Desk as my name wasn’t on the board…a snag, no hard top Camero’s available, but they did have a convertible…”Is it Black?” I asked, nup, Silver, but that would have to do
I hightailed it to Hoover Dam. Stopped off at a Lake Mead viewing point on my way and snapped a pic of the Camero…it’s on my other camera though…
Hoover Dam – wow. Humans are awesome, what an engineering feat. I parked on the other side of the Dam (where parking is free) and walked across the dam back towards the visitor centre. I wasn’t going to do the tour, but then thought, why not? It was 30 bucks for the ‘extended’ tour, or $15 for the regular.
I went on the extended one. You watch a 10 minute film and then set off, I think tours run every half hour.

You get to see the powerplant on the regular tour, but this is where that ends. The rest of us went off to explore a little more. You go through a few tunnels, and then as deep into the Dam as the public can get. You can’t really see it in the pic below, but if you can make out those tiny ventilation ducts….you get to walk in one and hang your camera out – a truly unique view of the dam!
I’m glad I got there early, as it was PACKED when I finished my tour at 1130am. Busloads of people everywhere. ProTip: Get there early.