JL42, LHR-HND in JAL's B787 was the 'signature' flight for my trip. Eagerly awaited. Train to T3 where JAL departs from at abt 6am.
Only 1 agent on duty F and J at JAL counters, so a minor wait then off to security with gritted teeth. Fast track available. I looked at the various queues before committing, and Fast Track only had 1 guy there, so I chose it. My god. How do some people function through the day? It is an old fashioned x ray arrangement. Just ONE spot for a pax to unload their stuff; you can't do it in parallel, and you can't jump around. The guy in front I swear must be either the stoopidest or something pax to ever go through security, or he was playing a game (I think the former). He had to be coached by the agent on
item to be put out into the trays. One by one. One LAG container, by one lag container "this one?" "yes"; "this one?" "yes" ... and so on; one electronic piece by one. He handed over a 3/4 drunk water bottle. Agent suggests he drink the remainder. they have a little chat as to what's available to drink air side. REALLY?
Eventually I can't stand it and I ask the agent if I could get a tray to put my stuff (which was at the ready) and go by. No, I had to wait. the guy eventually got the message. Honestly, what a little ****.
Lounge as the BA lounge T3 which many would have had more experience than me. Pretty basic and I just had something to quell the worms, as I would eat on the plane.
Its 2-2-2 on the B787, with the window seats the pick of the bunch, very private, with direct aisle access. So why the HECK didn't I select one? I have thought and thought and I just don't know. Rookie mistake. I was on the inside block butI have to say although the window would have been preferable, there was little wrong with the aisle seat.
Blanket, pillow, slippers headphones (not NC

) and a small amenity kit on the seat.
Plenty of leg room of course. Power etc all very convenient. Handy storage space a little in short supply, but things can go on the pedestal, but awkward when you have the tray table deployed.
Partition goes up early. if you are a couple, neither the window pair or the centre pair make for easy conversation. Possibly the centre pair is better. Was offered a cardigan - one size DIDN'T fit all

PDB was Charles Heidsieck, in rather crummy plastic cup, but one must do ... I didn't get my camera out in time, but I didn't know that there was a Concorde parked at the end of the runway at LHR!
Menus. Drinks were OK without being spectacular choice. After the first meal, it was dine-on-demand, and these are the pages for that part of the menu.
This was lunch, and there was no question it was going to be the Japanese for me!

Amuse bouch, introduced by the charming FA as 'your amusement'

, then the main course, which was a great presentation.
The RH pic was actually part of lunch. The LH pic is "Lon-don" which I had later as dine-on-demand as we approached HND.

Most of the items are cold, and I guess its easier to have a great presentation when its cold, and some fancy food dye helps! But still a great experience.
One negative was the pillow, strangely enough. You can see it in the first and third pairs of pics. It was flat and hard-ish. More like a cushion you'd take to the footy to sit on, than a pillow. I thought I might be missing something, but that's all that was available. I slept OK, but would have been much more comfortable with a regular airline pillow. The cabin also got a bit warm, which I had read on AFF is pretty normal.
FAs were really good. CSM was attentive, and engaged frequently. None of the FAs seemed to shy away due to English issues and all could understand me and me them. IFE selection was good, although I didn't use it much.
A great flight, and if the pillow was better, and with NC headphones, it would have been a fantastic flight!