Just had a quick call with US Dividend Miles call centre to confirm a few rules.
I just asked off the cuff whether I'd be allowed to book an itinerary that goes from South Pacific to USA with a stopover in Europe. The agent said that'd be totally fine. I pressed, "Are there any rules or restrictions I should know about?" She said no. :shock:
Nothing about MPMs or the like.
I also asked off the cuff as to what are the restrictions on a stopover. She replied, "It can't be in the same zone (i.e. same zone as the originating zone)". I didn't press on whether it had to be a *A hub, but then I asked, "Are there any other restrictions apart from that?" She said no. :shock:
Nothing about *A hubs.
Finally I asked her whether there were any special procedures I or my folks should follow, as I will be redeeming miles on their behalf later (i.e. and don't want to get caught in any identity theft guards etc.). She said that when I book, I won't need anything special, and the call centre will use the details in my folks' accounts to call them about 3-4 days after completing booking to check that they are happy with the miles being used. We can also call the US Dividend Miles centre to merge their bookings so it becomes one ticket (i.e. two pax on one master itinerary).
Perhaps I got a 'dumb' agent. Too bad I wasn't ready to ticket there and then. :shock::shock:

Have to do it soon though, some of the availability on the sectors I'm tossing with are looking a wee bit thin for my liking, and with 2 adults to find for that's nothing to sneeze at.
Looks like my folks might just miss out on TG F on the A380, but they should at least enjoy the 773 service, which should be similar: I hear the 9W leased aircraft are being returned this year, but should be replaced with other leased 773s from BOC Aviation. Not sure if these new ones will have similar hard product to the Jet 773s (unlikely), the new F product on the A380s (maybe) or a different F product altogether (hopefully not inferior to the previous iteration of F product). Of course, not hoping I book then my parents get an equipment swap with resulting operational downgrade!