From Flyertalk - hopefully this fixes the CX problem!!:
I was running into the same issues as everyone else all day yesterday, agents were unable to see any MH or JL flights at all in the system. Then last night I finally reached a more capable agent who, after about 45 minutes of going back and forth with the help desk, figured out how to find all oneworld partner flights in the system. I didnt end up booking the ticket with that agent because she quoted me a higher mileage amount. She did tell me what I should tell other agents if I called again and they could not find the oneworld flights in the system. Agents need to search for the flights in the "regular availability system", NOT the "dividend miles availability system" and that they must search for each segment individually, including all connections. Today when I called back, once again agents initially were not able to find any oneworld partner flights in the system, but after I told them how to search as per the other agent's instructions they were able to find them.