I have gone AZ, AZ, Pfizer, Moderna then Covid 2 weeks ago (Iceland). Do the vaccines actually work?!
And the evidence isn't that clear as to how good the vaccines are now. remember when we got constant updates on how most people in hospital with Covid were unvaccinated? Basically don't get those figures regularly.
Some time ago I posted an article where a group of researchers followed up the people in the initial Phase 3 trials. Turned out if yoy had the mRNA vaccines that there was actually a slight increase in all cause mortality despite far less people dying of covid. But for AZ and J&J there was a 50% drop in all cause mortality. I have no idea whether that study is being followed up and repeated. It should be.
Recently I have come across an article suggesting that vaccination does reduce your chance of dying from Covid.
The Omicron period was independently associated with lower risk of inpatient mortality (OR = 0.61 (0.45–0.82), p = 0.0010). Vaccination and Omicron period admission were also independently associated with lower healthcare resource utilization (p < 0.05).
Background COVID-19 outcomes among hospitalized patients may have changed due to new variants, therapies and vaccine availability. We assessed outcomes of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 from March 2020–February 2022. Methods Data were retrieved from electronic health medical records of adult...
Yet when you look at their figures I am not sure how they came to that conclusion. Here are the statistics comparing the initia wave,delta and Omicron.
Background COVID-19 outcomes among hospitalized patients may have changed due to new variants, therapies and vaccine availability. We assessed outcomes of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 from March 2020–February 2022. Methods Data were retrieved from electronic health medical records of adult...
Of note the mortality rate has gradually dropped over time.
Also note virtually no vaccinated in the first period -1.3%, increasing to 45.5% during Delta and 60.6% with Omicron. These are American figures.
But then they compared vaccinated V unvaccinated.
Background COVID-19 outcomes among hospitalized patients may have changed due to new variants, therapies and vaccine availability. We assessed outcomes of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 from March 2020–February 2022. Methods Data were retrieved from electronic health medical records of adult...
Note that in the Delta phase 45.54% of those that were admitted to hospital were vaccinated. The same as the vaccination rate in the population
And in the Omicron period 60.64% of those admitted to hospital were vaccinated again the same as the population figures.
Now those figures do show that those unvaccinated had significantly worse disease and there was a trend to more ICU admissions but it didn't reach significance.
On the other hand there was a trend to increased mortality in the vaccinated but it did not reach significance. In the tables expired means died.
But it als showed that the unvaccinated were significantly more likely to be discharged home. Also significantly less likely to be discharged to a long-term care facility.
The really worrying thing to me is that they do not separate dying from covid or with Covid. Reading between the lines there may have been a reduction in Covid deaths but in the vaccinated but that is of little benefit if you are more likely to die of other diseases.
So again I sincerely hope researchers are looking at all cause mortality in vaccinated V unvaccinated populations to know exactly what the truth is.