Thanks for the wine(refined) link, I haven't seen that one before.
I am subscribed to and for a few dollars a month they send you a weekly email with specials from a range of web sites and bottle shops. They aren't associated with anything (I don't know this, it's just what they say) and there are some good bargains out there. If you are a bit lazy and want some good wines, it's a good site. No VM deals on there though! Bigger focus on single bottles I think.
I am currently enjoying the Schilds GSM and find it quite tasty. Better after some air is through it, more fruit coming through. I like it a lot more that the Bayliss Road GSM but not as much as the Maverick Twins GSM. Bit lighter than the Twins I think.
Lots of talk about red wine in this thread and let's be honest - red wine is better than white

- but does anyone care to comment on the whites they have bought from VM? Any big hits or misses?