I solved power outage problems on Gold Coast some years ago by installing a generator that starts when the mains drops
out. Funny thing is that we have not had a significant power outage since the generator was installed !
Could we please re-label this topic to "Flatulence and the Fake News Grid", before the ACCC pings us for false advertising. Cheers.
It was entirely predictable.
Wind produces energy when the wind blows. Fantastic but that is not necessarily the same time as when people want electricity. In the meantime the market is so distorted that no bus News in their right mind will invest in reliable power they will just chase the profits - causing further unreliability and distortion. The Tesla battery is no more than just a mechanism to try to reverse some of that distortion but would it have been better to do it right from the start?
Wind produces energy when the wind blows.
So an attack on those with a differing view without much to add in terms of constructive discussion...
Of course it was. But once a brain turns completely green there's no rhyme nor reason.
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I'm beginning to be skeptical of that after looking at the Western Australia AEMO wind generation page for a few weeks. I think the issue is that Synergy owns the Albany wind farm.
Why do I have this suspicion? The Denmark wind farm (50km west of the Albany farm) is privately owned and produces maximum power almost non-stop. At the much the same time, the Albany farm is producing well under 50% (or less). ????? My explanation is that as long as the distribution line from Perth is not approaching its capacity limits, it is in Synergy's best interest to use the power generated by the coal-fired plants that would otherwise be spinning reserve. In the meanwhile, the wind farm is rotating less (and likely having longer periods between required maintenance). I wonder what the summer periods will show in this scenario?
By the way I asked AEMO if tabular data was available from the wind farms on a daily basis. The reply said ask the wind farm's owner/operators. Since I managed the programming and interface of the Perth commercial gas system usage to the regulator for more than ten years, I know the data should be available. It certainly would be for gas, though likely commercial in confidence if split by retailer.
The item that is not talked about with wind systems is related to my initial paragraph. When is the output of the wind farm curtailed, not by lack of wind, but by management directive.
Just wandering
Nevertheless, according to the new survey, only 67% of American Meteorological Society members believe humans are responsible for most of our recent warming.
The full breakdown: 67% said climate change was largely or entirely (29%) or mostly (38%) due to human activity. 14% believed that human activity and natural events impacted climate "more or less equally." 12 percent believed climate change was largely or entirely (5%) or mostly (7%) by natural events, while 6% were unsure of the cause, and 1% did not believe climate change was happening
The exception is a question that asks the meteorologists whether they expect the impacts of future global warming to be beneficial or harmful in their local regions during the next 50 years. Importantly, only 50% believe the impacts will be primarily (47%) or exclusively (3%) harmful. 29% believe that "the impacts will be approximately equally mixed between beneficial and harmful," while 2% believe they will be primarily beneficial. 19% said they don't know.
I don't know. Does the Albany generator also own another generator?
Certain areas have almost nonstop wind and so wind is more suited to these areas. But I suspect many are gaming the system.
Have seen some white noise in the media about the possibility of keeping the Liddell coal-fired steam plant generating past 2022. I think most people would prefer to see plant retired before the service life has expended than become aware that it has when a major steam pipe ruptures and waves around like an unrestrained garden hose distributing 16MPa, 538º steam and broken-off pieces of pipe around the turbine hall. A Pleasant Prairie type incident on the feedwater side also becomes more credible into an extended life without extensive and expensive radiography. Who would want to put up the money in this market?