$105.26 is the amount I place onto the WISH card. Purchase a $105.26 WISH card from the WISH card site. You can purchase them for any amount you like.
You may be confused between the WISH card value and the VISA ONLY card value and/or purchase price.
It may be worth you reading back over the past few pages of messages in this thread to assist you to understand.
A $105.26 WISH card costs exactly $100. You have $100 value on your VISA ONLY card. There is no need to split a purchase for a $105.26 WISH card purchase when you use a 1 x $100 VISA ONLY card.
Again: None of this is mandatory. You can purchase these cards however you like. I purchase in a particular format to suit my needs. I'm not claiming my way is the only way or the best way to do this.
I'm a bit confsed
Yes 5% off 105.26 is 100.
These gift cards are 105.95 each.
If your using 'inception and using your old promo gift cards. Then aren't you losing opportunity costs on other transactions that you can't use amex and assuming you can get unlimited gift cards