What a pain. Juts paid via myGov. I have 2 accounts it seems! first problem which account to pay into? Stupidly didn't use the pen generator link. Despite knowing it was legit. But just an online security thing of mine, I have to find that page myself. In this case, I couldn't find it. Hence back to MyGov... What a brilliant system. Who invented that? The same people that didn't want an Australia card?
Probably goes without saying, but the black ink ran out half way through printing the receipt. :shock:
Edit: All is forgiven MyGov. Subsequently logged into Centrelink to find out where my $9.80 per fortnight happen to be...

It would seem that logging into MyGov, with second factor code SMS'd to phone, was not enough. No, I have to answer a challenge question as well:- "Mum's name?"
Me: "Jane" (not her real name)
Centrelink: Login fail.
Me: Umm, well usually they ask for mum's maiden name "mum's maiden name"
Login success.
In what universe is does mum's name actually mean mum's former name that she hasn't used for over 40 years?
Our tax dollars hard at work making up funky cool security questions.