Shy and retiring though I am....Not kids in this case but an infuriating adult that was just about worse than anything kids could throw up.
On a recent PER-DXB EK J flight I had a woman (she sounded American) directly in front of me who:
a) Talked loudly to (or was that scolded and squabbled with...) her husband across the aisle.
b) Laughed absurdly loudly at whatever she was watching on the IFE.
It was an overnight flight. I felt like saying something but refrained...
I had booked F on the return leg; should have done the same on the outbound leg.
when such a passenger continues once the lights are dimmed and meal service has gone - THEN I act.
I'll wait until a suitably embarrassing comment is made and then I will join the conversation by raising my voice to their volume level and say; "and I thought it was someone with a movie on speaker that I was listening to for the last hour..."
For some reason the 'speaker's volume' gets turned down after that.
Worked wonderfully with a slightly different version in TPR with only one other occupant using mobile phone pon speaker (not in one of the two phone rooms) only a few metres behind me.
After castigating his wife over failing on password attempts back in South Africa he began dictating what he wanted the new password to be. I strolled over and said in equal volume something along the lines that his suggestion was such an easy password to crack...
Wife was not happy to have been on speaker phone (without knowing).

With children, most of us were one once....
But where the parent allows child free 'terror' rein while they have the headphones on across the aisle (and said child stands up and start dropping food/drink into my or my wife's suite/seat - then I request the parent to interupt their movie.
Very rarely are kids the worst issue but occasionally... last return from Europe the IFE was shut down about 40 minutes out and 4 yr old screamed non-stop the whole way to the terminal (could play the oboe). She was angry that she did not see the end of the cartoon. I kid you not. A doctor even came along as he thought she must have pressure equalisation issues.