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  1. J

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Panic Buying?

    Are people going to do nothing but sit on the toilet for the next week???
  2. J

    The Village People told me to Go Westtttt to Lake Mungo but whats in between?

    For some weird reason yesterday the Village People popped into my head and I was trying to recall the characters. Thanks to you I now remember them and also can't get the bloody song out of my head
  3. J

    The view from my "office"

    Do I recall a hydrofoil /catamaran that had a short and not so brilliant career between Melbourne and Tassie? I'm thinking it was also known as the 'Spewcat"? whatever happened to it?
  4. J

    Building a Home

    Ohhh no not the paperbark.We have one in our nature strip. They shed all year, so you'll end up with leaves and blossom everywhere - and the trunks shed too - not attractive at all
  5. J

    The view from my "office"

    Grr now I've got that rotten theme song stuck in my ear - 'Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen......'I assume it was from the original tv series & it's driving me mad that I can't think of the British actor's name. Curly hair and a dimple.
  6. J

    The view from my "office"

    My girlfriend worked for them as a sales rep when they started which is around 50 years ago. She had such a battle, It was so hard for people to understand what this new thingy called a credit card was. I recall another friend coming back from America in the early 70s & pulling out his wallet...
  7. J

    A bit of humour

    Received a couple of funnies this morning but no clue how to put them up. One is Slim Dusty being very insightul and the other is the WA Symphony's conductor in a spoof set to music of HMAAS Pinafore. Worth a Monday morning smile especially for we lepers in Victora
  8. J

    Better than JohnM's WA mid-west circuit

    Great pics. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful country
  9. J

    Sending parcel to UK

    Instead of getting grumpy, let's just be pleased that they are getting quite a nice holiday and seeing some otherwise unvisited places (what's to look at in Redbank I wonder). I've been trying to track a parcel via a courier company and for the last 10 days the message is 'tracing details not...
  10. J

    The view from my "office"

    Just got the urge to get some large 'O's" printed to stick up and play noughts and crosses
  11. J

    The view from my "office"

    Do you know, it's apparently a 'thing' that some people can't smell boronia? I have a young English cousin who emigrated here 10 years ago, and I bought her a poit for the garden. Scored it myself when she couldn't smell it. Truly bizarre but apparently not uncommon
  12. J

    A bit of humour

    Someone recently told me that magpies can recognise faces. So given I feed a number of them twice daily I should be ok. The things that swoop around here are the wattlebirds who are extremely aggressive and fearless, they will have a real good go. Drives our dog crazy
  13. J

    Roomba, Dysons, Thermomix and other household appliances

    My 9-1/2 Miele dryer acted up - in the process of trying to fix it the repairman broke it, so under their 10 year warranty I got a brand new machine. Figured it'd be sensible to replace the washing machine too (Murphy's Law was sure to strike the minute the warranty ran out!) It now goes to the...
  14. J

    Freedom Furniture and VFF are partners

    Stuff catching up with friends and family once we are allowed out again (Oh - I'm in Melbourne!!) every single store will be going gangbusters with sales.
  15. J

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Respiratory illness - Effect on Travel

    And what's worse, they actually don't care that they are woefully ill-informed about the rest of the world!!
  16. J

    Best Airbus A380 memories (so far)

    MrMac & I had a marvellous experience flying SQ in J to CDG and back home from LHR. I'd gotten a part time job for a couple of years beforehand so we could realise our dream of living in Paris for a month to celebrate our ruby (40) wedding anniversary. A dear mate gifted us his Krisflyer...
  17. J

    Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

    I'm puzzled that Andrew Crisp, the Emergency Services Commissioner hasn't poked his head up since this all began; in fact since the bushfires when he was all over the tv like a cheap suit. I've only heard his name mentioned once, that was by Dan a week or more ago. Maybe like they were preparing...
  18. J

    What did you buy that's not living its best life right now?

    Just look on it as a version of a treasure hunt. It's keeping us all guessing! Good old AP
  19. J

    The view from my "office"

    I wonder how many people blurt out "Blessed are the cheesemakers"? - and im guessing not terribly amusing to the Italians!
  20. J

    Escape - travelling with Covid.

    Fab TR thanks - in freezing Melbourne it's rather nice to see some sun. Actually in lockdown Melbourne it's even nicer to see snaps from outside our borders! These remind me of a marvellous holiday we had in Port Douglas; we stayed in a very economical apartment & did a daytrip up to Cape Trib...